Just In
for The Ties That Bind

7/7/2014 c1 jbchamg
Really interesting story. I am glad I found it. You might want yo tag it with Emma and Regina. That is why I didn't see it previously; I use a filter when searching the new OUAT stories. Thanks for sharing.
6/29/2014 c4 Baccan
Thank you for sharing this. I'm really enjoying it. :)
6/28/2014 c4 2priscilla20
wow! Your story is the best! I can't wait for the drama to start. I didn't expect that cliffhanger. I mean, i knew zelena was wicked but now... Wow! Please please please update soon
6/28/2014 c3 anon010222
Wow, Zelena is cleverly manipulative. I wonder if you will write how Zelena will try to imitiate a romantic involvement with Emma just to dig it further in Regina's face for revenge.
6/27/2014 c2 anon010222
I appreciate how you written how Zelena and Emma having similar backgrounds. I never thought of that relationship but love how you written very probable similarities. And Regina being jealous is priceless. I can't wait to read more.
6/26/2014 c2 black branch
Oooh, this is getting better and better - I love it so much! Please carry on with this, I love what you're doing between Emma and Zelena. They have so many similarities really and I love the exploration of that!
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