Just In
for Courage and Cunning

6/27/2014 c2 90Tsume Yuki
I think this is a fabulous plot line, and I'm certainly looking forwards to Salazar and his adventures, so please update soon?

6/27/2014 c2 graynavarre
This is cool. Salazar is going to flip when he sees what has happened to Slytherin house.

I hope that Severus and Draco aren't their usually rotten selves. Ron, on the other hand, was just as much a rat as Scabbers
6/27/2014 c2 1geetac
I like the chapter
6/27/2014 c2 atymer
Oh this looks as if it will be great fun. I hope Sal gives Dumpy a migraine every single day for the next six years. lol Intriguing start, so ONWARD! ;-)
6/26/2014 c2 4The Magnetic Witch
Why, I wander off for six minutes, and what do I get? An email informing me of a speedy and swift update!.. AWESOME!

:D This is really cool, and I'm kinda excited to see how everyone reacted to Salazar/Harry's disappearing act xD
6/26/2014 c1 The Magnetic Witch
You know what?

I'm excited. Like, SUPER excited!

Case in point being, I should sincerely hope you update soon! :D
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