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for Courage and Cunning

9/14/2023 c57 Sw0rdS0ng
Getting worried… Seems like a lot of story and not many chapters are left… Hoping its not a dead story because its really rather good.
9/12/2023 c49 Sw0rdS0ng
Can’t help it… I gotta say I accidentally backed out and into the comments area. For “Guest” hatong on you and ypur story so much, he/she sure burned through every chapter pretty fast.
Just saying. Weird to read over 60 chapters, countless hours of material jist to respond with that kond of vitriol and keep reading. What a nincompoop.
9/11/2023 c43 Sw0rdS0ng
Granted, there are several chapters to go, but I sincerely hope that Salazar will blood adopt Severus to continue his line seeing how he is a perfect heir, and Salazar is not afraid of blood magic. That would be pretty cool
9/7/2023 c28 Sw0rdS0ng
I haven’t read the chapter yet but i did read your rant… Honestly if people want to complain then they should find a different story. This story is yours, and will be told how you want to tell it. I’ve backed out of several stories that developed in a way i disagree with, but I didnt complain or trash talk the author because it’s THEIR story. I agree woth most of what you said. And people needing pairings in every story i mean come on XD. I love your story. I don’t know how many have responded with that, but I do. Its clever, witty, and fun and HUMAN. I think most are true to character and the characters youre developing FOR us are fantastic. You do you. Its good work, whatever they say.
9/7/2023 c17 Sw0rdS0ng
Not sure if you’re finished writing this fic or not but i genuinely worry i might catch up to you before it over. I hate catching up and having to wait every week/month i hate it.
9/6/2023 c10 Sw0rdS0ng
This has been moved up to my favorite Salazar fic and third overall favorite fic (and it’s vying for second plce and im not even halfway through haha)
9/6/2023 c8 Sw0rdS0ng
Im not that far into it yet, but I LOVE this fic.
7/22/2023 c1 wtfchrlz
The beginning doesn't even make sense. Why would they be skeptical when the only way for him to know where they are was to be told by the secret keeper?
7/17/2023 c1 sophie hughes
I've recently found this story and absolutely love, hope there is more to come xx I also want to say that I noticed the comments made by guest, don't listen to them, some people are just so pathetic that they feel the need to bring others down to make their worthless existence feel better. Good luck with the stories xx
4/29/2023 c23 acowles02
It’s his best friend I’m calling it now
3/10/2023 c61 Guest
Oh, go fuck yourself. No, the right and wrong of an action are not determined by who you're it to, because that's what every Nazi and slave owner tells themselves.
3/8/2023 c15 Guest
Wow, beating up a stupid eleven-year-old kid. What a hero. I am so impressed. I can't believe you wrote this, thinking it wouldn't make you look like an even bigger idiot than you already are.
3/8/2023 c14 Guest
"Salazar Slytherin is a hero for killing that muggle! What did he kill her for, you ask? You don't need to know that, shut up and worship me!"

You are a fucking retard. You are a fucking retard. You are a fucking retard.
3/8/2023 c14 Guest

You start sounding more like an idiot with every chapter of this story I read, which is just kind of strange and disappointing, because it's not *terrible* the rest of the time. When you're being stupid, though, you're being moronic.
3/8/2023 c11 Guest
"Two Gryffindors have out 'Slytherin-end' the Slytherin."

Yeah, that basically proves it. You're just a retard. Not because of what that sentence means, but because of how stupid you'd have to be to spell it that way. This is frankly just pathetic.
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