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for A Thief in the Night

9/23/2021 c11 Guest
Why pretend to be hoffman and take out the heart. They can prove truelove between them and as advocate of trueloves and supposed hope and goodness, should lessen their prejudice or doubts against Regina
9/22/2021 c4 Guest
Could Regina have an inkling the woman thief who rescued her is the shadow thief whos been robbing lord vincent? Emma is right if she managed to see Regina few times now undeteted, whos to say nobody else would attempt to or what if someone catches emma? Doesn't she have wards around her garden and room?
9/22/2021 c3 Guest
Each chapter getting more interesting. Too bad this story shows not complete
9/22/2021 c1 Guest
That was quite a jump in age for emma and henry. Howd she rescue henry and from where? Why was neal even running around cradling baby. Hes been realm jumping before seeking asylum, so is he still not technically older than emma since it was years before even Regina was born and he left rumple or is that different in this storyline?
9/14/2020 c12 Dpproni
I loved your story, I hope it continues. Although some years have passed
4/24/2019 c12 2Jupiter S. Nikos
cant wait for the next update
2/8/2019 c12 Suze1291
Awesome! So excited for the next chapter!
2/1/2019 c12 E.Elliot
Man I love it!*-*
12/27/2018 c12 Jannieb23
I just need to know if you plan on updating the story cuz I just inhaled all of it in one sitting and need more ASAP
11/25/2018 c12 Yasss
5/25/2018 c10 9CarlieDoe
Estoy apunto de llegar al capítulo 12, y me da nervios porque sé que el fic no esta terminado!
me quedaré pensando mucho en esta historia, es realmente muy buena. Felicidades!

I'm about to get to chapter 12, and it makes me nervous because I know the fic is not finished !
I'll be thinking a lot about this story, it's really very good. Congratulations!
1/29/2018 c12 MIROjrsygrl
Good chapter. Just re-read it and am able to write a review
I love these two together. Thank you for writing. Much appreciated.
1/29/2018 c12 PureInnocentLust
I miss this story! hope you come back and update! we miss you
12/23/2017 c12 1BlueTigress
fantastic chapter! love it that Emma has a new outfit now
12/22/2017 c1 7RonisGirlSQ
I love this story! Please update soon!
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