Just In
for Reflections Of A Fool

9/13/2022 c1 30Natalie Rushman
So much emotion in this piece! Really well done. I like how the sentences got more fragmented at the end.
4/22/2019 c1 18Luinwen-2013
So sad! So true...
3/19/2018 c1 6ThatOtherWriterGirl
Yes, enjoy is not the right word, but I was moved by his thoughts and his unfulfilled dreams. He did achieve his goals, just not for himself or his beloved nephews. I always felt that Dis really got the raw end of this whole deal. Lost everyone she ever loved. No wonder we all write Fan Fiction and save the boys...IT'S ALL FOR YOU DIS!
Very well done. You pulled our heart-strings well.
12/11/2017 c1 5Ereanella
This OS was so beautiful (but so sad too, really)! It perfectly reflects what I think Thorïn was thinking, lying dying on the ground... I really liked the fact that you used so many suspension points, because it really feels like we are Thorïn. We can really feel his pain, physical or emotional. My favorite moment was when he thought about Dis, Frerin (thank you for including the both of them), Kili and Fili, because I just love the Durin family! Thank you for this beautiful One-Shot! :)
6/23/2015 c1 8booksfoodmusic-minion
I have no words...
4/22/2015 c1 wtrdragyn
Very well written, but oh so very sad.
2/16/2015 c1 1AthenaSophia85
Aaargh! THE FEELS! *flails*

I remember reading The Hobbit as a kid - I was pretty precocious, so around 8 or so...I think Fili, Kili, and Thorin were the first 'true' fictional deaths I cried over (Alsan doesn't count, since he comes back). BoFA just sort of traumatized me all over again, lol. And then...this... But, seriously, a wonderful one-shot. Hits ya' right in the heart.
1/6/2015 c1 203hollyhobbit101
This is amazing! It perfectly shows the pain Thorin would have been feeling at his mistakes and the realization of what he should have done.
8/14/2014 c1 1Immanerd25528
Awesome! I loved it and I, crying :,(
7/1/2014 c1 20Anime Princess
Nice; really hits homes too how painful and foolish Thorin really is to have fallen for the goldsickness, but I can also understand the lust and greed he felt; especially as dwarves are predisposed to feel such things.
At least his realized his mistake and realized who and what he truly treasured before he died.
7/1/2014 c1 11Cassandrala
oh my freaking gosh...
you totally brought me to tears with this. Excellent job. I can feel the total helplessness in not being able to change what he has done, in seeing that a good majority of it wouldn't have happened without him! Very very well done...

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