1/7/2017 c11 Guest
I just read all 11 chapters of this story from 12 to 5am. You are not leaving me like this. Pls update soon. Ik it's been like 2yrs. But u never know
I just read all 11 chapters of this story from 12 to 5am. You are not leaving me like this. Pls update soon. Ik it's been like 2yrs. But u never know
12/23/2016 c11 Moon-to-Jade
I have fallen in love with your writing and stories, and can not wait for the next chpater of this amazing story which you can tell your heart and soul went into making
please update soon
I have fallen in love with your writing and stories, and can not wait for the next chpater of this amazing story which you can tell your heart and soul went into making
please update soon
12/15/2016 c11 Guest
PLZ continue this fan fit! I started reading and fell in love but thow has not given the privilege of reading more! PLZ come back and make more faces happy! :3
PLZ continue this fan fit! I started reading and fell in love but thow has not given the privilege of reading more! PLZ come back and make more faces happy! :3
10/18/2016 c11 TheIronGolem
This is good, and I'm happy you picked it back up...I was honestly squealing with joy when I saw there were new chapters to read
This is good, and I'm happy you picked it back up...I was honestly squealing with joy when I saw there were new chapters to read
9/29/2016 c11 Guest
Hey man, not everything lasts forever. Alpha didn't last forever, Freelancers didn't last, hell, not even LeafyIsHere lasted. But this isn't those things. This is like Godzilla, Superman, Iron Man, and Mortal Kombat, meaning it should last until it's over, or not popular. This was and still is popular. You know that. But in the end, you just have to have faith, huh, ain't that a bitch.
Hey man, not everything lasts forever. Alpha didn't last forever, Freelancers didn't last, hell, not even LeafyIsHere lasted. But this isn't those things. This is like Godzilla, Superman, Iron Man, and Mortal Kombat, meaning it should last until it's over, or not popular. This was and still is popular. You know that. But in the end, you just have to have faith, huh, ain't that a bitch.
9/29/2016 c11 Guest
Come on. I love this book and I wish it to continue please. I have waited longer than most have checking your profile every day and night! I just really hope you come back.
Come on. I love this book and I wish it to continue please. I have waited longer than most have checking your profile every day and night! I just really hope you come back.
9/2/2016 c10 DAZZLESTORM
I wanna go to berk too! I wanna meet Toothless and Cloudjumper!
I wanna go to berk too! I wanna meet Toothless and Cloudjumper!
8/9/2016 c11 Mordred Render
hey, how have you been? haha read this for the sixth time after so long...just wanted an update on how you've been?
hey, how have you been? haha read this for the sixth time after so long...just wanted an update on how you've been?
7/26/2016 c11 Guest
please update
please update
7/21/2016 c11 Guest