Just In
for Your Alpha

7/12/2016 c11 Yourmam20026
I am a really big fan and i loved the nightstar thing were toothless meets a nightfury i think you should do another sequel where they have baby dragons i think it would be really good i would definitely recommend it to my friends
7/5/2016 c11 Guest
Honestly it's pretty good I like it
7/5/2016 c11 Guest
2/25/2016 c11 Yaes
You made so many promises that you will contine this story BUT NO YOU LEFT US ON A CLIFF HANGER
I think I'm gonna fall off the cliff
1/25/2016 c11 Luna The Nightmare
Please update please. I want to know to story ended. Please I loved your story , Please update Please
Luna Nightmare Out ,
1/23/2016 c1 Guest
Good chapter man, good Chapter.
1/10/2016 c11 Downgiggly
this is aesome so far!
12/3/2015 c1 NightFuryEpic
Heyooooooooo this is awesome so far, SHMILEYFASH (smiley face)
11/13/2015 c1 4Spirit of Fury

Not bad.
11/8/2015 c11 Batman1809
I just read your profile and saw that you are not continuing this story. While I respect your decision, it will be disappointing to know that this story will not be continued. It was one heck of a story and it will be driving me crazy knowing that it has ended.
While I myself have no idea how to continue this, is it possible that you will entrust this story to someone else? Again, it's just really a disappointment to know that this story won't get finished.
11/3/2015 c11 Jayden wilkes
Holy shit more pls I need to know what happens pls more
10/14/2015 c11 13Skyress1
I do hope that you will update soon, because this story is really interesting, I just wish I could SEE this all happening. It would be so amazing, so fascinating. I love this story and I really hope you will update, but you know... no rush.
10/14/2015 c10 Skyress1
The Stormcutter had been right when he had referred to the Bewilderbeast noticing the disappearance of a Night Fury. And he he he... lol, at least Toothless and Sky Climber have a similarity.
Really?! What's the joy in meeting anyone if you plan to torment them, Obscurity? Tell me? Why be the sly dog in the corner, just as evil and terrible as your leader, wanting to destroy him to gain power he would misuse for sure? He'd just fail like the Bewilderbeast, he too will end up without any sanity. He'd do more honour to his kind should he not think of power.
And I agree, denial must be catching up with Toothless and he sure has a hard time trying to deny his possible feelings for the other Night Fury.
Oh and, I doubt that either of the dragons are the biggest villains, they probably are too much caught up in their feelings of anger, regret and vengefulness to see their flaws, they have a hidden, but clear reason for their actions, which Drago Bludfist somewhat lacked. Yeah, he hated dragons, but that does not righten his thoughts of making dragons his slaves, as only a couple of dragons attacked him, and most likely for a reason. And he most obviously wanted to destroy mankind too, which was even less purposeful. However, the Bewilderbeast mainly wants to get revenge for Toothless mocking him so, only because of Drago's flaws. Obscurity mainlt wants to get a hold of leadership, because he has had enough of the bewilderbeast arrogant rule and because he wants to prove he's fit to be leader just like that Bewilderbeast. Both have a motif but I still doubt that they are evil enough to match Drago, so I think you could let them be evenly evil.
Nevertheless this was an intriguing chapter, showing a lot about the character's deep regrets, fears and feelings. A well-written chapter, Proud2BeMexican.
10/14/2015 c9 Skyress1
A very interesting chapter, very interesting again. It's wonderful to see Toothless and Sky Climber getting on well and that she's also getting on better with Cloudjumper. You've managed to give him a matching character and personality to the one he had in the film, but more descriptive. Though I'd say Valka did not pronounce her words quite like you wrote, but the again it's hard to create an accent using only words, I have never mastered that either.
10/14/2015 c8 Skyress1
Poor Night Furies... and what about private life... you know away from public, can't the dragons give them privacy. Though I must say that I too wonder if they will become mates or not.
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