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for Arx Domus Nigrae

11/10 c24 LunaRae7362
Is this story abandoned? I hope it isnt- its really great!
11/7 c24 12SuperSlyly
What a suspence
hipe to read more one day
10/26 c24 BeyondTheDive
Oh please, I need more! This is by far one of the most interesting and well-written Hermione-driven stories I've read since Pet Project by Caeria came out! I hope your muse come back because this is astounding, amazing, and absolutely delicious!
10/20 c1 Nunes
Bom dia! Tudo bem?
Acho suas histórias incríveis, então por favor atualize.
Muita inspiração...Deus continue te abençoando grandemente
9/15 c1 3JustAGirlLostInAStory
Hello again! I pray you are doing well! Thank you for sharing this amazing story with us! When I can not figure out what to read, I always come back to this story.
9/8 c24 JanuaryLestrange
I adore this story. I do hope that you are well and that you someday have the inspiration to add more chapters. Thank you for sharing your time and talent.
8/20 c1 KayKayWriter1995
Okay... so I read this fic maybe 2-3 years ago and have been trying to find it again for a reread for the last 2 months. Im so glad to have found it again, I am to reread.
8/14 c24 Nuria
Ojala no hayas abandonado este fic la historia es increible.
7/18 c24 4littleneko1923
I seriously forgot how goood this fic was… so glad I gave it a re-read! Hope your health is doing well cause from what I remember when you were posting regularly you weren’t doing well! Hoping for your good health and that one day you may finish this! Anyways thanks for posting what you have! It’s an amazing read and gets me in the mood the read more Hermione/Black men stories! Anyways… hope everything is okay!
Sincerely, Nevvy1923
7/14 c24 beka-trueblood
I hope you continue this story soon love love love
7/13 c14 CinderTheDragon
What chapter does Hermione talk to Regulus about ignoring her and not talking to her?
7/8 c1 3JustAGirlLostInAStory
Im back again for my annual re reading!
7/3 c24 rubykollar
please don't abandon this it's so good.
6/7 c24 Potter-Riddle
I re read this fic every time I get a bit of free time. That is twice a year(maybe even in between). I am so invested in this fic. I have been waiting since an update forever. I hope the author's fine and has not forgotten this beautiful story. All love to the author!
6/3 c24 Guest
Just doing my tri-annual re-read and ugh it’s still so good. If your could pretty pretty please do a sneaky little villain reveal I’d love you forever. I totally understand that years later you can’t be bothered finishing it off (I’m mildly devestated) but if I could read little more of this particular characterisation of these characters or the overall outcome I’d cry with joy xx
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