Just In
for Shielded By Love

8/20/2014 c7 9ChocolateReignz
I truly loved ut. The twists n the whole plot was awesome.
8/20/2014 c6 ChocolateReignz
I had the big show in mind as the partner of authority. But adrian nevvele is a good choice
I'm glad the shield won
Love it
8/20/2014 c5 ChocolateReignz
The authority, I hate them. Taking elizabeth? She is just a baby
Y do they not see that
8/20/2014 c4 ChocolateReignz
Reading ur plot, I'm happy.
U should be a part of the wwe creative team.
I wonder who their partner is gonna be
8/20/2014 c3 ChocolateReignz
At least the hounds have each other.
I just hope that the authority does not harm elizabeth.
8/20/2014 c2 ChocolateReignz
This is what I thought during the early break up, that maybe seth might turn on the authority n join with the shield again.
I love it that u actually wrote it.
I love the way they all love elizabeth,
8/20/2014 c1 ChocolateReignz
Uncle sef? Aweeee so cute.
This is a nice way to think of them. Brothers n standing for each other. I hope seth is telling the truth.
N if he is I hope roman n dean believe him
7/17/2014 c7 lremmy
Awesome fic, can't wait to read more of your fics
7/17/2014 c7 amy
this was awesome im sad it had to come to an end doh
7/13/2014 c6 1plebs
yay sheild won loving this story cant wait for more x
7/9/2014 c5 1LittleLoyalShieldBabe
Loving the story xx
7/9/2014 c5 13BelieveInTheHoundsOfJustice60
I'm sorry it's not long, but I didn't know what all to put into this chapter. The tension is building for their match. So I just kept that theme going. I hope you enjoy it
7/9/2014 c4 cheryl24
Will Elizabeth's mom come back? I can see the Authority doing that.
7/9/2014 c4 1caz21
love it.
7/9/2014 c4 20Pinayprincesa
Elizabeth is sooooo adorable:-)
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