Just In
for Shielded By Love

7/7/2014 c3 98SamA0923
Can't wait for the next update
7/6/2014 c1 nafiondf aof
Keep going please give them wife's. Layla could be dean's wife. Aj lee could be Seth's wife and bre bella could be roman's wife.
7/6/2014 c2 14KDGaines08
Another great chapter! :)
7/6/2014 c2 98SamA0923
Can't wait to read more this is excellent
7/6/2014 c2 13BelieveInTheHoundsOfJustice60
So everyone, I figured out how to upload a new chapter, obviously. Although I do apologize for the mistakes and I will clean it up or attempt to do so after work.
7/6/2014 c1 BelieveInTheHoundsOfJustice60
Does anyone know how I post CH2? For some reason I don't know how to do it.
7/6/2014 c1 ladyjade37
Awwwwww! I'm like sniffing and yelling at Seth all at the same time. Great start! Can't wait for more
7/5/2014 c1 10i-can-see-the-stars
I'm melting from the adorable-ness of this!

It's so cute, and a good story.

Nice job!
7/5/2014 c1 14KDGaines08
Loved this story! It totally melted my heart! Great Job!
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