1/8 c3
Good story so far! Hope u can update soon!
even though I grew up with the English names, i don't mind people using the Japanese ones. But maybe u could do what u did for the people for the monsters as well. ie: Shou(Syrus) Featherman(Avian)

Good story so far! Hope u can update soon!
even though I grew up with the English names, i don't mind people using the Japanese ones. But maybe u could do what u did for the people for the monsters as well. ie: Shou(Syrus) Featherman(Avian)
1/8/2020 c3 cs4745196
Could Naruto have defeated them during his turn or did he purposely let Jaden win the battle either way good chapter
Could Naruto have defeated them during his turn or did he purposely let Jaden win the battle either way good chapter
4/26/2016 c1 ashwing817gmail.com
Amazing & funny to see Kaiba get his ass handed to by a newbie at Yugioh. Then again this is Naruto we're talking about.
Amazing & funny to see Kaiba get his ass handed to by a newbie at Yugioh. Then again this is Naruto we're talking about.
9/9/2015 c3 krchris56
really awesome story, can not wait to read more of it and learn more about Naruto's deck.
really awesome story, can not wait to read more of it and learn more about Naruto's deck.
4/21/2015 c3 Guest
kau tau harus tetap semangat kan lupakan yang terjadi dan tetap semangat
kau tau harus tetap semangat kan lupakan yang terjadi dan tetap semangat
4/3/2015 c3 Guest
go for red because naruto is not the guy for the fancy stuff.
go for red because naruto is not the guy for the fancy stuff.
4/2/2015 c2 chris kidder
keep on writing
keep on writing
2/1/2015 c3 jiv
Red slyfer with jaiden and the rest upload other chaper please.
Red slyfer with jaiden and the rest upload other chaper please.
12/12/2014 c3 AmatsuKitsune
Red dorm and NO pairings please! (Or at least not those stupids harem or paired with Asuka/alexis or Rei/Blair OTL they are too annoying)
Red dorm and NO pairings please! (Or at least not those stupids harem or paired with Asuka/alexis or Rei/Blair OTL they are too annoying)