Just In
for Duel Academy's Dark Duelist

1/8 c3 2Exodia3215
Good story so far! Hope u can update soon!
even though I grew up with the English names, i don't mind people using the Japanese ones. But maybe u could do what u did for the people for the monsters as well. ie: Shou(Syrus) Featherman(Avian)
1/8/2020 c3 cs4745196
Could Naruto have defeated them during his turn or did he purposely let Jaden win the battle either way good chapter
9/8/2018 c3 Anime100
This is truly interesting to read; please update very soon
4/17/2017 c1 12Wynnt'r
Sick first chapter bro! When are the Link Monsters coming out?
4/26/2016 c1
Amazing & funny to see Kaiba get his ass handed to by a newbie at Yugioh. Then again this is Naruto we're talking about.
9/9/2015 c3 krchris56
really awesome story, can not wait to read more of it and learn more about Naruto's deck.
4/21/2015 c3 Guest
kau tau harus tetap semangat kan lupakan yang terjadi dan tetap semangat
4/3/2015 c3 Guest
go for red because naruto is not the guy for the fancy stuff.
4/2/2015 c2 chris kidder
keep on writing
2/1/2015 c3 jiv
Red slyfer with jaiden and the rest upload other chaper please.
1/29/2015 c3 1Ying the Nine Tail Fox
I hope your pairing Naruto with Alexis and update soon
1/4/2015 c2 RaidenKyo
dude their last names are kaiba not seto wtf
12/12/2014 c3 AmatsuKitsune
Red dorm and NO pairings please! (Or at least not those stupids harem or paired with Asuka/alexis or Rei/Blair OTL they are too annoying)
12/12/2014 c3 11Wrath of The Sun Deity
Screw ra or slifer, Obelisk dorm rules.
11/22/2014 c3 RandomPerson44
Please place him in Ra yellow!
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