Just In
for Duel Academy's Dark Duelist

11/22/2014 c3 Guest
Place him in Ra Yellow! Please! Almost no one ever puts Naruto in Ra Yellow.
11/16/2014 c3 Guest
11/15/2014 c3 Guest
11/3/2014 c2 4The Sith'ari
So will Rob be a reappearing character?
10/21/2014 c2 1Neongreen1
This is good update soon
10/9/2014 c2 RoyalTwinFangs
Damn you cliff hanger! Update sooner please.
10/6/2014 c2 eniox27
Insulting Crowley never gets dull. Dry but nice set up chapter
10/6/2014 c1 eniox27
Was expecting a dark naruto turns out he only uses the dark.
10/5/2014 c2 JJP123
can't wait to see the duel turns out, hope the paring is Naruto x Alexis
10/4/2014 c2 strabimonx
10/3/2014 c2 6Lightningblade49
mellowed out Kaiba cool
10/3/2014 c1 Lightningblade49
I can already see kaiba storming duel academy to regain his pride.
10/3/2014 c1 nero 44
10/3/2014 c2 90sageof6way
som of a bitch you. it was getting good. Wait for 3. Nice change with tag team
10/3/2014 c1 218shade0180
Dark Illusion would not work against hammer shot in real life but this is your fic so you could probably change some effect for the cards to work for them since the anime does that a lot anyway

Well probably need to be explained, But for short explanation. Dark Illusion only works on targeting cards, While Hammer Shot is not a targeting card.

Er anyway I could pm you the full explanation if you want to know about it...

Nice work, on the Duel and the story..
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