Just In
for Duel Academy's Dark Duelist

7/10/2014 c1 1Dage
Nice story so far Kaiba got his ass beat hard
7/9/2014 c1 JJP123
great story, as for pairing i vote naruto x alexis all the way
7/9/2014 c1 Slattern
Make the pairing Naruto/Dark Magician Girl.
7/9/2014 c1 Argorok
Interesting story so far, please keep up the good work.
7/9/2014 c1 zero
For the pairing i vote blair or dark magician girl to be with naruto
7/9/2014 c1 Karlos1234ify
This story is awesome. Naruto is badass in this story.
7/9/2014 c1 2VeilSlide
You seem to have a decent understanding of how to write a duel. However, a major misplay is the use of Hammer Shot after bringing back Blue-Eyes. Hammer Shot destroys the monster with the most ATK points on the field, which was Blue-Eyes at the time. The Dark Illusion was wasted there. My advice is to study up on the cards you write about and their rulings. This chapter is a good attempt at a first story. Also, I think contacting a person who has a good grasp of Yu-Gi-Oh rules and cards would help in writing future duels. I hope you continue to write and improve as a writer. Good luck.
7/9/2014 c1 Mzr90 interesting fic so far and you've got a good handle on the characters.

Anyway I hope to see more and if you're untested then check out some challenges I got.
7/9/2014 c1 5ParanoidParrot076
I didnt think people still wrote these, so you are now a rarity. The writing was good and the dule system works well, I could totally see the thing working. Keep going!
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