Just In
for Masks and Scars

2/12/2015 c1 19Idunnowhy
Daw :) I have to admit, I really like Digg. More than Oliver some days. Digg has that cool, laid back, "I'm badass and I know it and I don't really need to make it a thing" thing going on.

Cute story sweets :) I love the low-key battle of wits-and, um, if you happen to have the URL for that website...
7/19/2014 c1 sezq
More please!
7/15/2014 c1 10SassyReaderGirl
7/10/2014 c1 14Plume Violette
Okaaay, let's feed your ego, shall we? I loved it! Totally in-character to me! I really really really like the way you see Felicity, and I exactly feel the same. Oliver is well written too. And I think you totally captured their friendship/a little more than friendship.
I love them both on screen, and part of me think they would be great together... somme day, in a long time, maybe something we don't really need to see in the show... well I'm not really sure of what I want exactly. BUT I enjoy having them falling in love in fanfiction as much as having them beeing thoses special friends, as far as everythings stays in-character.
So thank you very much for your story (well, stories in fact because I read both)!
7/9/2014 c1 sakura-blossom62
Awww this was so adorable. Really enjoyed it!

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