Just In
for Feel My Love

9/22/2006 c2 11romancerox
wow, i loved how u described himeno, it was awsome... i love this story so much, that im gonna put it on my favs list
8/20/2005 c2 23animearlinefreak
Great story, it was very well written!
7/26/2005 c2 claylover66
aww how adorable this story was great.,so PLEAES PLEASE please write another soon
6/30/2005 c2 6Demonic Silence
9/21/2004 c2 1snow.fantasy
Splendid! Excellant! Superb!

I totally adored it. Another wonderful story.

Love it with all my heart. really romantic.

Hope to read more of your story and keep up the good job.
6/10/2004 c2 1Kya77
I love it! I hope you do write some more for this fic. I like this fun sappy stuff you need it every now and again. It helps lighten the spirit.
5/14/2004 c2 Kimberly
This was LOVELY!
*LOL* Don't woory I didn't puke, I LOVE this kind of story!
Well hope tha I'll get to read Ch.3 SOON!

9/30/2003 c1 miaomiao
luv this story.. write some more!
1/5/2003 c2 BJ4
It's very cute and sweet. I love Himeno and Hayate too!
1/3/2003 c2 Sadako
Hey that was good! ^_^
12/29/2002 c2 2Arcalia Reed
This is such a touching fic!~ I hope theres a continuation.
11/16/2002 c1 Guest
please continue updating this story!
11/9/2002 c1 Guest
are you going to continue with the story?
11/7/2002 c1 MaeveMaruki
Yeah a nice look into Hayate's feelings in that scene...Please continue at least to another chapter...I want to know how you would write what happens after Himeno wakes up... ^_^

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