Just In
for Orphans

1/15/2019 c1 Laurelin
Amazing story! Couldnā€˜t help but lost some tears!
5/27/2015 c1 10Samwise the Strong
Aw, that's adorable! So love that Fili, Kili brotherly love! Cheers!
11/28/2014 c1 Lakritzwolf
D'aaw... :)

So heartwrenching... and so well thought and well written, too!
Loved it.
7/14/2014 c1 11Finduilas88
Oh, those poor sweet boys! This was such a good story, and very well written too! The relationship between the two boys was so touching.

Good for Dis, doing the right thing and dragging Thorin along to do the right thing, too. Great job!
7/14/2014 c1 17Lady Bec of Imagineland
I love it! I don't know what else to say I started reading this like "eh it may be intresting". But by the end I was all like, "Oh man don't end I love this so good"! This was a great story
7/14/2014 c1 10acciojd
Wonderful! Hope you write more!
7/14/2014 c1 soytejana
Awww! love it so much. you made my day!
7/14/2014 c1 2Eredhys
I don't understand how it doesn't have any review yet. I'm usually not fond of Alternate Originis but this one wow I loved it so much! Wonderful writing, pleasant take on the story, I've read it eagerly and I wish there was more! So yeah, I liked it very much, thank you for writing this :)

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