Just In
for Alternate Universes Collide

5/26/2016 c1 Ariesgirl666
Aww! Red and Henry, so cute!
2/23/2016 c7 SOLANGELO4EVER
Oh my gosh, this story is absolutely amazing! There's a ridiculous shortage of Sisters Grimm and Once Upon A Time crossovers, but I think this one's the best (no offense, other two stories)! Is it too late to ask you to continue? If it isn't, please do!
3/11/2015 c7 Mel
please continue
3/5/2015 c1 mel
this is literally the best story ever
3/3/2015 c7 11Bethany Tucker
Awesome job! :D
1/20/2015 c6 Bethany Tucker
Whoa, epic story! I love it! This is awesome! :D Will there be some Puckabrina? This is genius! Phenomenal writing!
11/26/2014 c6 Guest
This story is pretty good so far. Will you please update. And really random question, do you ship Captain Swan?
11/23/2014 c6 OUATSG LOVER
Oh, plz update! This is cool! Plz update.
11/19/2014 c6 Emma
I love this story. OUAT and Sisters Grimm are like, so awesome. Together, awesome! Plz update! Plz!
11/11/2014 c1 Guest
9/25/2014 c6 mel
please please please update
9/7/2014 c6 Axel Treehorn
I did not know about that...wait, are they going to visit Storybrooke or something?
8/31/2014 c1 mel
new york isnt in mew england
8/16/2014 c5 Axel Treehorn
I'm really...I don't know how I feel. I hope you could explain.
8/10/2014 c5 Ode to a Fangirl
Nice chapter!
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