Just In
for The Merge

1/27/2016 c9 Guest
You could definitely use a beta to clean things up, but...cute story. However, while was just tiny bit too cute, IMO. They were all really...immature. What are they six? Obviously not, but...yeah. Can't remember if you told us what year they're in.

It was a little unbelievable that Ron was on board and friendly so quickly, but hey...he doesn't always have to be a stubborn git, right? *grin*

Also, not thrilled with the boy's name...Darco? Really? Hmm. It's just too close to Draco, so it's...weird. And...Darco Potter...hehe. Not sure why that gives me a giggle, but it does. Side note...nearly every time I'm trying to type "Draco" (in my own writing), I almost always type "Darco" by mistake. Lol. Naming like that is hard though. I'm always creating characters in my stories, so I'm constantly naming people. Actually, the planning of stories and setting timelines is one of my favorite things to do.

Further, I'm not a fan of Dumbledore bashing...or dark Dumbles (or whatever) general. You only touched on it though, so it wasn't too bad. I'm glad you didn't actually bring him in and have him do terrible things...that would have turned me off immediately.

Really great idea though. I'd really like to do something similar. I might, at some point...if I can force myself to write and FINISH it (and other stuff I've written). Lol.

I like that Snape is alive. Of course, it's not post war, so of course he's alive, right? If I write one, it'll probably be post war...and I may or may not save him. Probably will (save Snape)...along with other dead people (maybe Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Fred...maybe).

Love that you found a way to make Darco his own person...that was a surprise. Well, sort of...I mean, I'd read a few of your reviews, so I knew. Still...liked that a lot!

Also like that Harry took Darco in and made him a brother...and that Draco wanted to be his brother too. I'm feeling another story in that, actually...two only children suddenly have a connecting brother! Nice! Of course, I almost always read/write Drarry, can see where I'D want it to go.

Anyway...sorry for my overly verbose a story you published over a year and half ago (on the day after my birthday, mind you)...I'll have to check out some of your other fics. Tschüß
1/28/2016 c9 12Sheri Contrary
Hmm. I left you a massive review and it seems to never have appeared. Grr. Very strange!
12/29/2014 c9 12I know okay
Well, at least he got to live.
12/29/2014 c8 I know okay
Interesting jump into science fiction.
12/29/2014 c7 I know okay
I hate writer's writer's block. That's one main reason I won't post anything before I know it's complete anymore.
12/29/2014 c6 I know okay
I'm not sure if I think Darco is acting like he's five or a twelve year old girl. I'm trying to keep in mind that he's a new person, but I think Harry and Draco's personalities would be more fused together.
12/29/2014 c5 I know okay
He's going to have to control his emotions before he hurts someone.
12/29/2014 c4 I know okay
Was the dream really a vision?
12/29/2014 c3 I know okay
Hmm... I wonder how well the boys are really doing together.
12/29/2014 c2 I know okay
A beta would be good for you. I don't see a problem with the story yet, just the grammar. I hope you aren't offended. I was a beta for many years for someone along with writing my own stories. Fanfiction improved my English far more than class ever did. Maybe because it's more fun.
12/29/2014 c1 I know okay
It's kind of funny. My biggest complaint is why are the commas after the the quotation marks instead of before? Although most people forget commas altogether.
10/3/2014 c9 3EmeraldGrey123
That was a good end to a good story, I like it :)
10/3/2014 c9 14fanHPTW
9/14/2014 c8 3EmeraldGrey123
I didn't expect sci-fi! It's a good way of resolving the situation and I like it, but I do want to know what your explanation is for electricity working in that room because it's not technically supposed to be available in Hogwarts :)
8/26/2014 c1 31Sakura Lisel
Wait why did the Harry Potter side of Darco give Darco BROWN hair and one BROWN eye? Why didn't he get Harrys GREEN eye and BLACK hair? *lol*
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