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for Date in the Name of the Law

9/26/2021 c12 Guest
Any updates on a sequel? Will neal get his revenge or try to take over his father's empire? Did they arrest anyone else that's big time like cruella and ma and blackbeard
9/26/2021 c12 Guest
I thought he wanted hif father brought down. Now he wants revenge on Emma? Emma should inform Henry about neal before he tries to brainwash the kid of emma lying or keeping him from his father
9/26/2021 c8 Guest
If they fo manage to take diwn gold and his associates in one or two swoops, its best the leaders are dead. They most deal with them so lackeys wont get revenge on them specially if theyre in jail for years. If the leaders are alive and well in jail, they could still order hit even inside. Some cop shows has leaders orders hit on traitors or their families. What would happen to mm and henry?
6/1/2018 c12 Sammii16
Read this story while back.
Still waiting on an update or sequel.
Thank your
3/9/2018 c12 SwanQueenaddicted
Sequel please!
1/7/2018 c12 5Gryffindor620
This was really good! I hope you make a little sequel happen! I'd love to see Regina in Mama Bear mode.
I wish we had at least another chapter or 2 towards the SQ build up. Alas, this was enjoyed nonetheless!
12/19/2017 c12 1dcromeror
12/18/2017 c5 dcromeror
It's not a surprise but I hate it
12/18/2017 c2 dcromeror
jaja another crush
12/18/2017 c1 dcromeror
A good kiss in chap 1 jajaja
7/28/2017 c12 MIROjrsygrl
Great ending. I love the open door. Thanks for writing & updating. Love your writing.
7/14/2017 c11 LilliRegina
Answers and questions
7/14/2017 c10 LilliRegina
Neal? Or...Lacey?
7/11/2017 c9 LilliRegina
Pffff, i was holding my breath. Thought for a minute their cover got blown
7/11/2017 c8 LilliRegina
Thought Neal recognized Emma. I'm glad he hates his father so much he won't ratting her out.

And finally, the cat is out of the bag.
Hope they will continu their relationship and nothing bad will happen to them. I love them kissing
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