Just In
for Little Wings

12/3/2014 c3 Manni
Cute idea! I'm excited to see what Diaval says to being a dragon's mate. And what will Maleficent do?
Please keep writing!
9/29/2014 c2 3cjr09
Hello! I know it's unlikely you're continuing (After a few months of no updating) but I really did love your story! It was a lot of fun to read, only two chapters or no.

You did an awesome job and while I'd love to see an update, I just wanted to thank you for putting up such an awesome story in the first place
8/9/2014 c2 2meatpuppet1
pfft... what a way to make a first impression.
7/27/2014 c2 3YamiYoukai
Omg! Sooo cute and very original idea! Update soon!

... That golden magic better work to heal Diaval asap!

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