Just In
for Taken

1/9/2015 c25 guest
SORRY LATE I KNOW and sorry again in advance because I probably won't be able to read or do anything fun until summer but I'll read it all(someday).

AHAHAHAHA YESH YOU GUYS ARE KISSING *DANCE*. Oh yeah he should probably sleep now. XD "I missed" I'm gonna use that one. Yeah she is :D. YAY wait what if she breaks down or something...nah. She'll get her confidence back, I'm 65% sure of it.

:D I know right Puck. XD yeah. YAY ok I should stop fangirling at every fluffy thing there's probably gonna be a lot more. How dare you interrupt sleep, no one should have the right to do that. Yeah someone needs to shove her off her pedestal! Don't worry Meghan, Ash is there. XD BOOM SUCKA sorry but lol lady weaver. AWW-wait no over fangirling this-IT'S SO AWESOME.

I'm pretty sure you guys are best friends now and you're in denial. Go Meghan you can do this! Ok so far. And crap. XD I can feel the irony (or whatever it is). OH...maybe you guys should move it. Oh my glob thank you. XD then what are the other things included in the job description?

On the bright side, she isn't out there. Yay flashback! Yeah, kinda early for them to kiss though, and of COURSE, the asshat has to rub it in. Hmm...are the missing fey dating? Ooh, but they're gonna get interrupted I can tell, *sigh* Winters.

I KNEW IT. XD right. Oh my glob did they get kidnapped or something? And who is Snowdrop? least Meghan comes. Lol plan seems legit. Oh crap yeah, I hope they're ok. Oh no Ash make some light-never mind :) so proud of Meghan. YESH it's Puck! Now answer some questions, like Snowdrop! Happy new year! Yeah makes sense. Yeah, I think they should save Snowdrop. Please update!
12/28/2014 c24 Revocate
Okay I'm little surprised how things turn out, I hope Puck is okay. I hope everything is turn out good for him. And I hope in the end things will work good for everyone else.
12/19/2014 c23 lucky
I miss having two chapters a week.
12/19/2014 c23 Revocate
I like that we're getting a little bit of mystery. But this chapter isn't really my favorite. I just hope the next one top this one and I also hope the next chapter will come out this week.
12/13/2014 c22 4FaeryMeganChase
Yay! You updated, I'm going to be sad when it over, Meghan isn't going to have another breakdown right? Love the chapter, please update soon.
12/12/2014 c21 FaeryMeganChase
It's Ash and Meghan, almost nothing goes smoothly for them, unfortunately. Where did Puck go? I somehow doubt he's going to miss Elysium. As always keep up the good work and I hope you update soon :)
12/10/2014 c20 FaeryMeganChase
I still want to cry, I guess I'm a sap when it comes to Meghan and Ash, oh well. Please keep up the awesome work and update soon. I hope it doesn't end anytime soon. :(
12/5/2014 c19 guest
Sorry late review and stuff, school sucks.
Relax Ash, it's gonna be fine. He'll agree. Aww...I hope this helps her. Dang, he's not gonna freak out is he? Ok he's not. Wow...well that was easy. Yeah, she did. Don't worry Paul you helped in your own way. Ok good he isn't mad. Yay maybe she's better! One can hope Ash. OH MY GLOB SHE ISN'T SCARED OF HIM YAY THIS IS PROGRESS PEOPLE. XD yeah Paul is awesome. XD true. I KNOW RIGHT, school is crap.
Yes, progress :D. Yep, awesome. Yeah, don't worry she'll be fine :). Paul coming was a great idea, but crap...maybe they can all go to the cabin? Maybe because you like him and you guys are married?
Dang I was hoping they'd go. Yay find him please! XD reasonable I guess. Now I feel guilty, and I didn't even do anything. Ok...careful...very careful...YAY SHE'S YAY AND...YEAH JUST YAY AND THANK YOU PAUL AND WOO! Yay keep calm Ash! Ok I should probably calm down. They're talking...ok it's going well. See Meghan, he loves you. YASSS SHE JUST DID THAT FINALLY *dance* FINALLY! Please update!
12/2/2014 c19 Revocate
I love that we're getting our Meghan and Ash back I love this chapter so much I hope the next one can be beat even More than this.
12/2/2014 c18 Revocate
Okay I don't love it but I like it. I love how it remind me that sometimes a girl need her father. Thank you for bringing that.
12/3/2014 c19 mollio16
I love this chapter! Please add more Meghan and Ash fluff!
12/2/2014 c19 FaeryMeganChase
I don't think I've ever read an Iron Fey fanfic that has made me want to laugh and cry so much, I love it, please, please, please update soon!
11/24/2014 c17 Revocate
Okay first of all you killed me for waiting for two weeks. I lobe how we are getting a little of the old Meghan. I don't know what gonna happened next but. I can't wait to find out.
11/23/2014 c17 mollio16
I love this story. Please keep writing. I look forward to this update every week
11/6/2014 c15 guest
...I don't think they're gonna forget this. Ok good they have a plan now GO FIND PAUL sorry I just...MEGHAN. Oh Grim, about time you got here (I knew he was coming it's not complete without Grim XD kidding). He's not taking favors *gasp* lol Grim is awesome.
Yeah NOOO WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HAS TO LEAVE WHY DOES HE HAVE TO LEEEEAAAAVEEE I literally said that out loud, good thing I'm in my room XD.
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