Just In
for Birth Day Mark

3/4/2022 c2 gabrielham79
i like Scott he seems like a good dude also this amazing
5/16/2021 c2 1TheExistentialBread
The equipment was down, you say? I went down AT THE EXACT TIME the twins were going to be born. I think I know what happened... (flashbacks to 'Want to join him, Shooting Star?' *shudder*)
4/27/2020 c3 Guest
That was fucking adorable. This absolutely needs to become some sort of short film. I absolutely adore this, so great job writing it.
1/31/2019 c3 85PrinRue
*Breathe in*
Dude, you had me reading faster than I thought was even possible during chapter 2!
And y'know... I believe Grandma Pines' story. Dipper would give anything to save his beloved sister, and she'd do the same for him. That's what makes their bond so beautiful!
Amazing work!
7/6/2017 c3 HarryPotterFan96
So beautiful . . .
Except for the part where Dipper DIED for a couple minutes, yeah that part
1/20/2017 c1 Guest
Wow, the feels... Amazing story, probably one of the best I've ever read! Hopefully you've made more stories, your writing style is fantastic, and your mind is probably full of ideas! Good luck, in the future.

12/21/2016 c2 Guest
Okay, this chapter was just amazing. It's SO well written, and I'm pretty sure I got a legitimate adrenaline rush reading it!
12/8/2016 c3 22disneyanimationfan
This story is actually really good. It brings in another tale of how Dipper and Mabel's close bond originated. I like how Dipper actually went back into his mother just to save the sister he loves and will always love...while there may not be proof on whether or not that happened (and many of the characters are rightfully skeptical), I'd like to believe it.
I really like how Dipper cares for his sister. And what you wrote here extended his care to even before he was officially born. Not even a single fraction of a time old, Dipper already decided that whatever it is he must do to save his sister, he will do it.
You did an excellent job here.
11/24/2016 c3 Wow
This is a very long/good story you could have made shorter chapters and made more than 3 cause they were really long well keep up the good work and be cool
9/25/2016 c3 1AULover618
That was a boatload of adorable!
8/16/2016 c2 me
i like potatoes
7/14/2016 c3 2Unidentified Gem
lolz _ nice work!
7/10/2016 c3 4Kartoonkid95
Do you think that electrical failure was because
5/7/2016 c3 LizzyVanilla
I loved this storie it made me cry and laugh! Keep on the good work!
3/21/2016 c3 Guest
Make another chapter
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