Just In
for First Love?

7/27/2015 c7 Rusher Driver
I understand completely. My laptop crashed on me too and i've had it for a long time. My laptop is over 5 years old. Anyway, can't wait to see what you've got planned and good luck on writing.
1/2/2015 c6 UrFriendTheNinja
Sorry this review is crappy, but its 2am and I'm tired, i just thought I should review first. Oh no cliffhanger! Plz update soon, thx!
12/21/2014 c6 Rusher Driver
Loved it! Like the part where Katie said 50 bucks. And by the way loved the cliff hanger in the end. Make you keep guessing what's going to happen next. Hope all is well.
11/19/2014 c5 Dreamcatcher19
I love this story! Hope you update soon. :)
11/13/2014 c5 Rusher Driver
Liked this chapter. So can't wait to read more.
11/3/2014 c4 Rusher Driver
Loved it! So glad that Zack saved Katie. So can't wait to read more. Hope your week is going good so far.
11/4/2014 c4 20Aznmissy04
That was intense. Great chapter and cant wait for more. I love Zack's character.
9/1/2014 c3 UrFriendTheNinja
Oh my god soooooooo good! I was thinking that the next chapter could be like starting out in Zack's pov and he takes katie back to her apartment and then when they get their Katie's brothers yell at him and start accusing him and then when things start to get really bad, katie wakes up and they sort everything out and Zack tells katie that he wrote the letter. That's all i got... Hopefully it will be useful to you plz update soon thx!
9/1/2014 c3 Rusher Driver
Loved it :) Really, really, really loved the chapter, but hate Anna though. Can't wait to see what else you come up with. Please continue.
9/1/2014 c3 Aznmissy04
I swear, you must really love This chapter was amazing! It was sad and heartbreaking. I feel so bad for Katie and Zack. Now, I really don't like Anna. Amazing chapter and work my friend!
9/1/2014 c2 Aznmissy04
Aw, the letter was sweet and I feel so bad for Zack. I love the guys...they are hilarious! And your ending, again. Just wow. That's like a cliffy right there and I can't wait to find out what happens!
9/1/2014 c1 Aznmissy04
Aw, this was a great start. It was sweet, sad and all around made me smile! I like Zack but the ending; man...that's sad. I don't like Amazing chapter
9/1/2014 c3 11GoldenGleek314
8/21/2014 c2 Rusher Driver
The letter was really well written. Hey, I have an idea, but it sounds mean. I'd hate to do it to Katie. Anyway, I think Anna should confront Katie and like grabs her back pack and the bags rips and she reads the letter aloud. And it only gets worse from there. And that is when Zack would step in and stop the fight. Then Zack confronts Anna about being a bully and asks her how she would feel if someone was bullying her. Possibly later Katie thanks Zack for saving her life. Just an idea. Please continue love the story.
8/4/2014 c1 GoldenGleek314
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