Just In
for Harry Potter: God of Gods

4/21 c8 Corvus34
one of the best stories... disapointing you abonded it
4/19 c1 Church21
Love this story
3/31 c9 3WhiteElfElder
Uhm...for my sanity...nix that least Matsuda finding the hammer and it making him a god of thunder.
3/11 c9 1kirosyamcha
I’m sad this story didn’t continue :(
12/30/2023 c9 TwinstarDragon
Need more chapters
4/28/2023 c7 DracoKing30
Really love this story can't wait for new chapter
2/17/2023 c2 Monkey King Omega
thank you while han don't have power god Faith is salvation for all Amen
1/27/2023 c9 2mwinter1
Would have loved to see what came next
8/25/2022 c9 1Kalen Darkmoon
Love the story but I am disappointed that you have abandoned it like so many others. You are talented at spinning a good tale. It is just unfortunate that you seem incapable of finishing them.
7/3/2022 c8 Blackholelord
First of all. I am rather sad that this story will never be continued. It's rather good, and it was reaching the point where Harry's secret would be revealed.
6/28/2022 c8 DracoKing30
Really love this story can't wait for new chapters
6/23/2022 c9 reaperblaze
Please continue the story I’m really enjoying this version of your Harry
5/14/2022 c9 AnthonyR89 literally said Harry could read anyone's mind immediately before saying he couldn't kill freed so that he could find the other swords, dude.
5/14/2022 c1 AnthonyR89
...when did Harry date a muggle? you just threw that line in a conversation with Hermione without any context.
3/25/2022 c4 BayerClan
Plz update soon this is great
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