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for I Didn't Plan This, But it Happened

9/3/2018 c5 Innocence and Instinct
I really love this! I live the idea of Draco and blaize as lawyers. I really wish you'd continue or rewrite this. It would be an amazing fic judging by the way you are currently handling the palace .
1/4/2015 c5 Sampdoria
So glad you let us know, I will look forward to read it again when you have rewritten the story.
1/4/2015 c5 5AMBERJANUS
I like this story as it is something different compared to lot of stories I came across . I would like if you could rewrite it and repost it than abandoning it
1/3/2015 c5 3Death By Insanity
Aw but i like your story. Please leave it up i like rereading it
8/16/2014 c4 Death By Insanity
You must keep going. Im really liking the story
8/14/2014 c4 Sampdoria
Brilliant update, I look forward to read more
8/14/2014 c3 lotrgotdwhp
Brilliant please make more they are wonderful
8/13/2014 c4 1HPRULES123
I loved this chapter. I can't wait for the next one. Is this story going to end up as Draco and Hermione paired up?
8/13/2014 c1 starkidheather
i love this! absolutely refreshing and interesting. personally, i love it when Ronald gets what's coming to him, so this? yes, more please. haha. there are so many things that i want to comment on and say how much i adore it, but honestly, i'd just be going through each chapter listing EVERYTHING. so i'll settle for me saying that i love it as a whole, and i can't wait for the next update. (:
8/13/2014 c4 3daniiibabiii
I can't wait to see what happens next!
8/13/2014 c4 lotrgotdwhp
ron is a bit ooc but overall interesting. Also, I was a bit dissappointed cause the plot seems to obvious-but who knows . You might surprise us. Cant wait for next chapter.i followed you and the story you are a good writer. Gl
P.s please take this as instructive criticism not hate.
8/13/2014 c4 theamoran
8/12/2014 c3 daniiibabiii
Update soon! Can't wait to see what happens !
8/10/2014 c3 Sampdoria
Ah finally she told him to leave, why she married him... Hopefully Hermione will change her life now, cutting both their losses, let Ron have Lavender who suits his sloppy mummy-deares being so much better and Hermione can be the mother of the child she gave birth to, not the one she married, and hopefully find a man (read Draco) able to let go of his mothers apron. I look forward to read more.
8/8/2014 c3 Chester99
I do not think your Ron is OOC. Personally I think your Ron is perfect. This is basically what I see Ron and Hermione's marriage being like. After all in the books she was always cleaning up after him or helping him out with his work. Ron was not a strong wizard. So anyone who paints him as being strong, powerful, a good quidditch player etc. is making him ooc. Ron for the most part was a fairly weak wizard who was a goof ball with a horrible temper. He never would have made it through Hogwarts without Hermione. For that matter he couldn't even make it on the quidditch team without her cheating for him.

As far as Hermione's current job at the ministry goes. I also think you've nailed that. There were more of the Death Eaters and people who sympathized with them than there were of the Order and their sympathizers. Not to mention the Ministry was rife with corruption in the books. None of that is going to magically change simply because Harry Potter killed Voldemort. So I don't see Hermione being able to get very far with her aspirations of rights for magical creatures, especially the house elves. In fact I really don't see a whole lot changing. It would just go back to the way it was before Voldemort was resurrected. One thing I do see changing, however, is the Malfoy's attitude toward muggleborns. That's because of what they witnessed during the war and the hell they were put through.

Interested to see where you go with this. :)
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