Just In
for Countless Lifetimes

1/1/2021 c11 MiDushiNoSushi
This was so sweet.. I really enjoyed their meaningful communication vi a flowers.. and I loved all that development, that lovely slow build...
1/1/2021 c9 MiDushiNoSushi
I love that Henry was involved in this tale, and was a good loving kid in bringing the knight to help protect his mother.. I liked that he was essentially the one to bring their family together and give his mom a happy ending, without tearing her down in any way... I still have not gotten over Henry’s behavior in Seasons 1 or 2...
1/1/2021 c6 MiDushiNoSushi
I like your version of shattered glass better than show’s version... it would’ve been nice for them to have such an authentic and vulnerable moment...
1/1/2021 c3 MiDushiNoSushi
Sooo good... I loved this strong version of Emma who manages to charm Regina with her strength, care, and authenticity. This would make an awesome fic- along with ‘Neighbors .’ I haven’t seen a continuation of either, but hope springs eternal...
12/31/2020 c2 MiDushiNoSushi
This one was bittersweet, but it worked so well.. this felt more happy than bleak.. you balanced this out so well...
10/22/2017 c18 13Jaely
LOL to funny! while this one was pretty funny, the end was great! it was really something I could see them both doing just to tease each other!
10/22/2017 c11 Jaely
The reason the meanings of flowers seem whimsical is that the meaning gets slightly or even dramatically altered by other flowers that they are paired with and so when you see the 'meanings' of the flowers listed you are seeing a list of ALL those various meanings out of their true context. What people don't actually consider, in today's day and age, is that Flowers were once a form of actual communication several hundred years ago. In a way it was it's own language and just like when any language it has it's own syntax that governs how a message sent by Flowers is suppose to flow. Unfortunately, that is not actually delivered to us in the lists we see online, so it seems as though people have pulled random meanings out of their asses for the flowers. The best way to find at least the root meaning is to look up the History of said flower, and see if you can find the base meaning before it was adopted into other cultures and placed with other flowers. As a flower can also have a slightly different meaning between cultures as well, and that is something that should be taken into account too. Kind of like words in the English language mean different things when in different countries. Which is why they have American English and British English this all makes sense.

Anyway, I really liked this story, So far, even though I have enjoyed all of the; this one has been the one have liked the most. I would have liked to have seen more on this one really. But I get that I'm really late to the game on the drabble thing, so I know that this one won't be expanded on. I just wanted to let you know though. :)
5/19/2017 c3 Organ777
I would love to see a full story for this one! I love it!
12/17/2016 c3 1BlueTigress
Omg fantastic story! How I wish this one shot would continue! Henry is sooo cute and Emma so perfect
11/7/2016 c18 2Darkshadow-lord
Great Chapter!
11/6/2016 c18 2Anne the Fire
Loved this chapter. It's cute how they were pranking each other this whole time, even under the curse.
11/6/2016 c18 1baratta.jennifer
Not pranking you ever.
10/19/2016 c17 35Pinkpillow19
I love this super cute :)
10/16/2016 c17 2Anne the Fire
I have lost so much faith in the show that I can't even stand to watch it any more. Thank god for fanfiction because that is truly the only hope I have for SwanQueen. As always I love your work. Thank you for sharing. :)
10/11/2016 c17 25Dragonling743
Ugh, I am with you. It's good to see strong female characters act in tandem without any territorial or violent tendencies towards one another, but it would be nice to see such an obviously great couple make it happen. But I mean this happens in the real world too, sometimes best friends are just that because they would make a great couple, but they don't need to be a couple to be great together. Either way, I like what you do. Keep at it.
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