Just In
for Countless Lifetimes

3/29/2015 c6 gamilton
I like this twist! Good one!
3/29/2015 c4 gamilton
Cute and fun! Well done!
3/29/2015 c2 gamilton
Angsty, sweet, sad, happy, well done story! Thanks for the closure!
3/29/2015 c9 1BlueTigress
Fantastic chapters!
2/26/2015 c5 mysterio-lady
Can imagine both Regina n Emma lighting up with smiles on their faces at seeing each other... Love it... Amazing..
2/26/2015 c4 mysterio-lady
Love this story...
2/14/2015 c9 imaoncer4life
2/11/2015 c4 imaoncer4life
Loved it!
2/11/2015 c3 imaoncer4life
I loved this chapter for sure :) should do another chapter or 2 on this one :)
2/11/2015 c2 imaoncer4life
Oh crap that just liked to killed me :( it had me crying at work and know at home that was just to much for me :..( my poor Regina I just want to hug her and never let go :(
2/10/2015 c9 diana.m.hayle
awww, this was really cute apples! i liked it a lot. :D
2/10/2015 c9 3chaosu
*goes in a corner and dies of happiness*
2/10/2015 c4 R3dN0te
Aww I like this chapter.
Cute Zombie.
2/9/2015 c9 2Anne the Fire
Loved this chapter.. Such a brave knight. Glad they got their happy ending.
2/9/2015 c9 21cajunghost
I loved it,
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