Just In
for Conflicted Emotions

12/1/2015 c7 Guest
Love it
10/25/2015 c5 2d4rkf0x
I left this story and will never read it again for three reasons.
1. Harry and Tony: Love? Har-Bear? They have been in a relationship for 2 days, not 2 months. Lay off the lovey dovey stuff. The entire relationship is unrealistic. You just don't tell someone that you were abused a couple days into a relationship. Maybe I was not paying attention and you time-skipped a few months or something, but the entire relationship is unrealistic. Not HarryxTony. The fact on how the relationship progressed.
2. ClintxSteve: What the fuck? Seriously? A little slash is OK, but you are making this out to be too slashy. I understand this is an AU, but Clint is married. Also, Steve and Clint do not know each other well enough to even have feelings, let alone be jealous. You are acting too much like a fangirl. The entire thing was a bad relationship/idea.
3. Harry: Harry is completely horrible. First of all, he is a warrior. His natural tendency is to fight. Taking that away is insulting Harry completely. Second of all, Harry will not act like that in any non-fangirl story. The entire story was a little fucked up. Harry was abused and was used as a tool of war. He will not just have a crush on Tony, and then will not react that way when Tony just randomly presses him to his side.
*shakes head* Please fix this story. It does not cater to anyone but yaoi fangirls (nothing wrong with that, btw) who have no interest in real stories.
10/11/2015 c7 5A-stranger-in-the-world
Does the story about flappy bird is true? It's hard to believe. I love your story and I hope you will write again soon.
10/1/2015 c7 shadowswithouthope
Totally a Tony reaction :)
8/22/2015 c7 7V. L. Crawford
I really like this so far. I can't wait to read more.
Nawww hahah poor stev and clint. Tony would've killed steve if he was interested in harry. I love it
8/1/2015 c7 13jessthereader13
LOL! U I loved how you ended this chapter!
7/29/2015 c7 1Sakihinata
thanks for updating ;)
7/28/2015 c7 tamashiyuki
Very gooooooood!
7/28/2015 c7 8KYRAgabriela
Please continue ! I'm loving it ! Poor Steve does not understand his feelings.
7/27/2015 c7 5Zara Taisho
Jajaja por un momento crei que nos ibas a dejar con la intriga sobre la reacción de Tony. Y ya estaba pensando en mil y una formas de tortura para obligarte a actualizar pronto (nah estoy exagerando jajaja)
7/26/2015 c7 annette-ella
I like it
7/24/2015 c7 Psyka
Awesome bloody awesome please update again soon
7/21/2015 c1 Guest
Not saying anything about the story itself, because I'm only a paragraph in, but I just want to point out that Manhattan is disgustingly hot in the summer. The temperatures may not reach the highs of some places further south, but the humidity more than makes up for it.
7/23/2015 c7 LunarisDraconis
i am in llove with this fanfiction
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