Just In
for Embracing His True Self

1/30 c58 2kags521
im in the same boat. if anything you've posted more than me in recent times. please continue. while i wait for yours i will now go back to mines. its long over due.
1/22 c58 Katrine
Please, please, please utdaterte this, it is SO good!
1/21 c55 Katrine
Draco fainting, hahahaha
1/20 c2 1TheBlueMoonRose
Needs more spacing less large paragraphs
1/3 c58 11Sagilemiel
I absolutely love this story !
12/17/2024 c58 4Kaori Jade
Merci pour ce chapitre
12/17/2024 c35 Animeworld2.0

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I would like to inform you that my channel is now monetized, and I make sure to give proper credit in the description of your story. Additionally, I will share the video link under your story review for your view. I respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your guidance.

I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

Thank you!..
12/13/2024 c58 Vykki
Woooooooo! I may or may not have stayed up 24 hours to read this! It's honestly so good I'm a huge fan of your Harry Potter/twilight stories but this... This is just amazing! The way you captured Voldemorts character and gave it life is amazing and Harry? Oh I've never loved harry more! That spite man is so freaking... No words lol I couldn't stop giggling while reading this story and I've added it to my favorites list cause I will ABSOLUTELY be reading it again!

Thank you so much for writing these amazing stories and I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this story!

Also I love Barty! I want him to find love but at the same time I genuinely feel like no person would ever compare to the love he has for his dark lord, knowledge, and (slowly but surely) Harry. Hmmm maybe Theo? Theo loves knowledge and has respect and fear for the dark lord. He'd be a interesting character to put with Barty?
12/13/2024 c55 Vykki
Yes! Finally! Oh that was so good!
11/26/2024 c11 3HoneeBear24
The vindictiveness against Pettigrew is wonderful c:
11/26/2024 c11 HoneeBear24
“Harry had been secluded in the Muggle World; he had made sure of that.”
Hi, yes, let’s throw stones at him, please <3

This simple sentence filled me with anger because how can you treat an innocent child in such a manner? And that goes for canon!Dumblebitch too! Bro left a CHILD to be emotionally, mentally, and physically abused to create the “perfect weapon”.

I need to go re-watch the scene of him falling off that tower to calm down xD
11/26/2024 c10 HoneeBear24
Okay because I was about to say! Like I know Dumbledore is not about to miss such an oversight. Even though I’m sure everyone reading would live to see the man progress his downfall xD
11/26/2024 c10 HoneeBear24
Plot continuity error: How would Dumbledore think Voldemort doesnt know about Harry being missing when it was mentioned in The Daily Prophet? Surely, he’d think Voldemort would be keeping tabs on the newspaper regardless of how rubbish it is.
11/25/2024 c58 3Anavas88
Crazy idea, what about Tonks for Barty or would she sitll struggle with him on that front? I def like the fact that he isn’t with Hermonie in this one! Love her but not for him lol! Love the new content! Cannot wait to see how the tournament goes! (Another idea, how bout Charlie for Barty, unless your sticking to a woman if so maybe Daphne?)
11/12/2024 c58 indie0209
update very soon miss this store
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