Just In
for Someone like me

9/18/2015 c1 18crazililwabbit
I greatly enjoyed this! It was short, but held profound emotion that enabled the reader to actively feel Rocket's sorrow and connect with him as a character. Very excellent!
10/22/2014 c1 1The-Black-Scribe
So sweet. You did this bit perfectly.

P.S Maybe you could Read and review my Rocket fic sometime. :)
10/13/2014 c1 6MissMRene
Oh my. I have no words. This is so beautifully painful. The way you have presented this scene is spectacular - it's such a touching moment in the movie and you've done an amazing job a capturing it :)
9/23/2014 c1 15Kierielle Huntington
This is amazingly perfect. Absolutely beautiful and broken and perfect.
9/22/2014 c1 47omega1979
awwww I love this story. I so wanted to give Rocket a cuddle in this scene
9/6/2014 c1 71CanzetYote
Poor Rocket. I wish I could just pet and cuddle him myself and lick those tears sliding down his snout and nose with my tongue while giving him a gentle massage.

Heh, that last bit sounded a little awkward but I think you get the message.
9/6/2014 c1 Maria
Oh, wow. That was amazing-absolutely perfect.
And it actually made me cry.
8/19/2014 c1 1MarvelousWonders
God, this almsot made me cry.
And it's so cute of you that you let Drax do the comforting.
8/15/2014 c1 8stupidfinewriterchick
Ooooooooh my heart.

No I'm not crying.
8/12/2014 c1 281Petchricor
The feels are killing me, oh my god. This is awesome and I love it, you wrote Rocket's perspective perfectly
8/11/2014 c1 8Restrained.Freedom
Drat!... Now I will simply have to go see this movie. And I can't afford to go out to movies... That means I shall have to wait till it is available at the library.

Very intriguing scene.
Great Job!
8/11/2014 c1 9Natasha Vera
Where do I return these feels forced upon me? The introduction/reasoning to why you are writing this was a bit confusing. Perhaps italicising (italicizing?) that part and adding extra spacing would help separate better. Excellent work otherwise :)
8/11/2014 c1 20marinawings
This is lovely! You do a wonderful job of capturing the heart of this scene.
8/11/2014 c1 6Amodestpoet
Holy crap. You nailed this scene perfectly. Very well done.
8/11/2014 c1 76Alydia Rackham
This is completely fantastic. I have no words.

*claps slowly*
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