Just In
for How To Hope

9/15/2014 c1 Guest
Gawd this is so, godd. And that commemt, it gave me hope. I love you. If ur a dude marry me.
8/19/2014 c1 plainjane00
Short but sweet and i liked it. Would have loved a bit more, though. Good luck, keep writing!
8/12/2014 c1 37Paradox.bookjunkie
Aww :3

My dramione shipper heart is full of gushy thoughts at the moment and feels for the ending. (loved the ending line BTW...even though my favourite character DIES! Dx)

(*DRAMIONE!* :3 OK, I'm done now.)

I love this! Very cute. Only a few spelling mistakes and the rest of it was awesome ;) Good job.
PS - can I have a Draco plushy? PLEASE? ;)

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