Just In
for Adùruth-ghiluz

7/7/2015 c1 9Fleur24
This was rather depressing, but I understand not necessarily losing a parent, but my grandma died last summer. So this piece reminded me of that, and I just barely got through without crying.

I am glad that Thorin let Fili escape for ten years, even though it brought dishonor to their family. Fili needed the time, no matter how foolish his thinking, to come to grips with the fact that it was just wishful thinking in thinking that is father would come back.
1/7/2015 c1 Stormcutter684
Awwww. Now that's sad. I don't like funerals. Never gone to one yet, but I know they're sad. And I guess Adùruth-ghiluz is sorta like a funeral to honour the fallen every year. Very sad and emotional. I wish Thorin would understand why it's hurting Fili so much on that tragic day. He mourns for his lost father. The poor little guy.
8/27/2014 c1 4Tolkien Swag
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh why? I just wow. I can't even. This is ridiculously good.
8/17/2014 c1 50AnastaziaDanielle
This is such a moving story. You wrote Fili's grief very well. Thank you for sharing.
8/15/2014 c1 5Ms-Writing-My-Own-Stories
Oh got me. I cried. A lot. I was trying hard not to sob because I wasn't alone in my room.
I just want to grab Fíli into a tight hug not let go from him anymore :'( Poor one...
You have written that very well. I really couldn't stop crying.

Looking forward to read more from you!

Your Vanessa :D
8/15/2014 c1 Guest
Could you write a second chapter from Kilis POV? Like, what if he actually (for some kind of reason) remember their father, and misses him as much as Fili, but dont want to tell or something? And I seriously love this, its so sad!
8/14/2014 c1 9MuffinPirate
Ohhh god my heart! This was perfect, thanks for writing it!
8/14/2014 c1 11Marigold Faucet
Oh goodness, I am crying.

I just want to hold Fili in my arms and promise him everything will be alright. I would be remiss if I didn't say how beautifully this is written or how wonderful Aduruth-ghizul looks in narrative (I'm totally not biased, I think it was a stroke of genius to name the day in neo-Khuzdul and I'm sure you already know that I was all too happy to help).

This hurts in such a glorious way.
8/14/2014 c1 28Pericula Ludus
Gaaaah, should not have read this when I can't cry. I'm with Fíli, I just want my Da back.
Lovely dynamics here between the Durins. I liked that Thorin was compassionate up to a point, then honour and duty kicked in once again. Kíli just naturally picking up his brother's slack is adorable, but a bit sad as well. And oh my goodness, Seventyfive, Dís has so many candles to light.
Honestly, I had more things to say, but argh, really can't right now. Just like Fíli at the end here, you'd think I'm all grown up and over these sort of things, but no, here's me getting all emotional over your story.
8/14/2014 c1 Guest
Gaaaah, should not have read this when I can't cry. I'm with Fíli, I just want my Da back.
Lovely dynamics here between the Durins. I liked that Thorin was compassionate up to a point, then honour and duty kicked in once again. Kíli just naturally picking up his brother's slack is adorable, but a bit sad as well. And oh my goodness, Seventyfive, Dís has so many candles to light.
Honestly, I had more things to say, but argh, really can't right now. Just like Fíli at the end here, you'd think I'm all grown up and over these sort of things, but no, here's me getting all emotional over your story.
8/14/2014 c1 jaymzNonoel
Oh poor Fili! :'(
This wis really good! Looking forward for more! :)
8/14/2014 c1 rodeocat
Wow. made me cry!
8/14/2014 c1 31ladybug114
Awwwwwwwwwww I'm crying! This was amazing as usual, fantastic job :)
8/14/2014 c1 7emmakmc
this is such a moving story, its so true of the way we feel when we lose a loved one. poor Fili and also Kili who had to take his brother's place.
8/14/2014 c1 6girlgeekjf
I like the examination of Fili's feelings about his father. It's nuanced and well-considered.
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