2/18/2016 c6
It's so like masaru to wonder why everybody else seems to be wearing goggles nowadays, given he's the only MC who doesn't. He's so badass he doesn't event need goggles to show it.
Spelling error: that's cleaver. And it's Daimon by the way. Not Daimen.
I loved how Daisuke was all 'not again'. Nice chapter overall.

It's so like masaru to wonder why everybody else seems to be wearing goggles nowadays, given he's the only MC who doesn't. He's so badass he doesn't event need goggles to show it.
Spelling error: that's cleaver. And it's Daimon by the way. Not Daimen.
I loved how Daisuke was all 'not again'. Nice chapter overall.
2/17/2016 c1
I guess that makes a million and one times.
Other than that, it's a good start.

I guess that makes a million and one times.
Other than that, it's a good start.
2/10/2016 c2
Hey ho! I'm back again :3
I just noticed that you gave a clue about the Gamer, whatever that is. I presume it's something like the Hunger Games or Battle Royal?
Control ring huh. So it has something to do with the Evil Rings used by Ken? Also what about smuggling in the DDD? Is it because the DDD are using the control rings to get digimon workers? Anyway I found the monologue odd and hard to make sense of.
Nice pun. I love Yugioh so that was appreciated.
I forgot the later chapters of this story, but are you going to omit the attack names and just describe them to give flow?
I like the witty comments during battle. They make something Asian seem western. If it were full Asian, they would probably battle silently.

Hey ho! I'm back again :3
I just noticed that you gave a clue about the Gamer, whatever that is. I presume it's something like the Hunger Games or Battle Royal?
Control ring huh. So it has something to do with the Evil Rings used by Ken? Also what about smuggling in the DDD? Is it because the DDD are using the control rings to get digimon workers? Anyway I found the monologue odd and hard to make sense of.
Nice pun. I love Yugioh so that was appreciated.
I forgot the later chapters of this story, but are you going to omit the attack names and just describe them to give flow?
I like the witty comments during battle. They make something Asian seem western. If it were full Asian, they would probably battle silently.
2/7/2016 c1 Ultimateblack
Hey, I'm here at last :D I'm using a guest ID because my profile has reviewed a few chapters before. Here we go, time to revisit this story in detail.
This never ceases to crack me up. "I hope this brings joy" and immediately begin a gritty and grim scene.
Because you let slip that Team Brave visited the past, I'm guessing that the man is Daisuke himself.
I found it fascinating that you allocated two partners of the same origin but different line to Daisuke. It would make it even more mind boggling if Veedramon is actually Zeromaru, given to Daisuke by Taichi himself before he faced certain doom. Like, Daisuke was literally about to die, Taichi was in a sorry state and he loaned Zero to Daisuke. But you have already given this Veedramon a different backstory so yeah, it could have been a shocker. On a side note, the two dragons' interactions are so cute. The larger one is sort of a bully and an older brother despite being recruited later.
Oh yeah, I wonder what's with people dissing barney? I don't think you're making fun of it but seriously, why do so many people think it's horrible? I used to enjoy it as a kid.
Hmm, I imagined Veedramon's voice to be like Agumon's and Shoutmon's. They do share a voice actor and she did a bang up job. Whenever people say Agumon I think of the Japanese voice and the fond way he calls Taichi.
The Human-digimon interaction here is very well done. One problem I have with Davis is he probably won't have that much of a relationship with Vmon until he the Digimental of friendship arc. Also, I won't be able to have fun with him since he's not as easy going as Daisuke is. As for Daisuke, he should be able to go completely nuts with Veemon and TK. Thankfully Kari and Yolei are there to restrain them. But Davis may yet be pretty boring until he regains his memories and gets some personality.
And that marks the end of chapter 1. It was quite well written, save for some grammar mistakes. As usual, if a Daisuke centric story is well written, it really takes the cake. Maybe that's my bias speaking since he's my favourite character since Taichi, and I wasn't that into Adventure. 02 stuck with me more.
I'll probably review the next few chapters as a guest to bypass the single review per chapter limit. As a bonus, you get a few more reviews too :)
Hey, I'm here at last :D I'm using a guest ID because my profile has reviewed a few chapters before. Here we go, time to revisit this story in detail.
This never ceases to crack me up. "I hope this brings joy" and immediately begin a gritty and grim scene.
Because you let slip that Team Brave visited the past, I'm guessing that the man is Daisuke himself.
I found it fascinating that you allocated two partners of the same origin but different line to Daisuke. It would make it even more mind boggling if Veedramon is actually Zeromaru, given to Daisuke by Taichi himself before he faced certain doom. Like, Daisuke was literally about to die, Taichi was in a sorry state and he loaned Zero to Daisuke. But you have already given this Veedramon a different backstory so yeah, it could have been a shocker. On a side note, the two dragons' interactions are so cute. The larger one is sort of a bully and an older brother despite being recruited later.
Oh yeah, I wonder what's with people dissing barney? I don't think you're making fun of it but seriously, why do so many people think it's horrible? I used to enjoy it as a kid.
Hmm, I imagined Veedramon's voice to be like Agumon's and Shoutmon's. They do share a voice actor and she did a bang up job. Whenever people say Agumon I think of the Japanese voice and the fond way he calls Taichi.
The Human-digimon interaction here is very well done. One problem I have with Davis is he probably won't have that much of a relationship with Vmon until he the Digimental of friendship arc. Also, I won't be able to have fun with him since he's not as easy going as Daisuke is. As for Daisuke, he should be able to go completely nuts with Veemon and TK. Thankfully Kari and Yolei are there to restrain them. But Davis may yet be pretty boring until he regains his memories and gets some personality.
And that marks the end of chapter 1. It was quite well written, save for some grammar mistakes. As usual, if a Daisuke centric story is well written, it really takes the cake. Maybe that's my bias speaking since he's my favourite character since Taichi, and I wasn't that into Adventure. 02 stuck with me more.
I'll probably review the next few chapters as a guest to bypass the single review per chapter limit. As a bonus, you get a few more reviews too :)
10/28/2015 c13 Ultimateblack
Okay, add this to the list of best chapters in this story. The humor is just so enjoyable. The commander punishing subordinates vibe was great. Daisuke gives off that "freestyle leader" aura while Ruki is all rigid and superior. Then the digimon scene was hilarious and random in so many ways. Animated, you say. The anime feel is there.
Then you topped it with the blanket thing. Enough said, I love this chapter!
Okay, add this to the list of best chapters in this story. The humor is just so enjoyable. The commander punishing subordinates vibe was great. Daisuke gives off that "freestyle leader" aura while Ruki is all rigid and superior. Then the digimon scene was hilarious and random in so many ways. Animated, you say. The anime feel is there.
Then you topped it with the blanket thing. Enough said, I love this chapter!
10/28/2015 c9 Ultimateblack
The battle was really exciting. So far the battles that I have read from other stories were quite balanced with both sides fighting and one side slowly gaining advantage. In this one, it was so one sided that Veedramon ACTUALLY said "TOO WEAK!" just like an anime fight scene :D I liked that a lot!
More backstory as well! Things are really looking tense. Now can takato overcome his dilemma and be strong willed like Daisuke?
Icedevimon... Without the Canon events this should be different. Intriguing indeed... Good chapter, one of the best in my opinion.
The battle was really exciting. So far the battles that I have read from other stories were quite balanced with both sides fighting and one side slowly gaining advantage. In this one, it was so one sided that Veedramon ACTUALLY said "TOO WEAK!" just like an anime fight scene :D I liked that a lot!
More backstory as well! Things are really looking tense. Now can takato overcome his dilemma and be strong willed like Daisuke?
Icedevimon... Without the Canon events this should be different. Intriguing indeed... Good chapter, one of the best in my opinion.
10/28/2015 c8 Ultimateblack
Whoa, such character growth. Takato is still shy, but more introverted now. It's hard to imagine Kazu in charge, but now this makes me think that even he can shine.
"...class isn't * worth shit..." not doesn't. Slight mistake, but no worries.
"making a ying yang symbol on his face" not exactly the vest description. "his bangs covered part of his face, leaving a shadow that brought a menacing look" would be slightly better.
Still, a good chapter overall. I'm enjoying it very much.
Whoa, such character growth. Takato is still shy, but more introverted now. It's hard to imagine Kazu in charge, but now this makes me think that even he can shine.
"...class isn't * worth shit..." not doesn't. Slight mistake, but no worries.
"making a ying yang symbol on his face" not exactly the vest description. "his bangs covered part of his face, leaving a shadow that brought a menacing look" would be slightly better.
Still, a good chapter overall. I'm enjoying it very much.
10/28/2015 c4 Ultimateblack
Dude, this is awesome! DDD is like the agency that maintains peace and upholds the law. Daisuke questions the morals and hypocritical ethics of the organisation. You captured the essence of the character after he matured in the series. Armadillomon should be armadimon though, since you're using Japanese names. So far, no mentions of Hikari and Takeru yet. Where are they?
Dude, this is awesome! DDD is like the agency that maintains peace and upholds the law. Daisuke questions the morals and hypocritical ethics of the organisation. You captured the essence of the character after he matured in the series. Armadillomon should be armadimon though, since you're using Japanese names. So far, no mentions of Hikari and Takeru yet. Where are they?
10/9/2015 c3 Ultimateblack
All of them are in character. This AU is truly awesome. I saw that the last update was like... Last year? Given there are only 14 chapters I suppose this story is not completed. Man, I hope you do update this some time and not let it die...
All of them are in character. This AU is truly awesome. I saw that the last update was like... Last year? Given there are only 14 chapters I suppose this story is not completed. Man, I hope you do update this some time and not let it die...
10/8/2015 c1 Ultimateblack
Superb! First chapter in and there's so much going on. Who was that boy and his sister? Square goggles, so daisuke or takuya? Who gave them to him?
How old are the 02 team now? I missed that. And I loved the scene with vmon and his larger dragon friend. Was that veedramon? Or just a dragon? And with Yamaki in the picture, I suppose the tamers will appear at some point too.
First chapter and I'm already adding it to my favourites list. Very impressive I should say.
Superb! First chapter in and there's so much going on. Who was that boy and his sister? Square goggles, so daisuke or takuya? Who gave them to him?
How old are the 02 team now? I missed that. And I loved the scene with vmon and his larger dragon friend. Was that veedramon? Or just a dragon? And with Yamaki in the picture, I suppose the tamers will appear at some point too.
First chapter and I'm already adding it to my favourites list. Very impressive I should say.
7/4/2015 c14
Finally all caught up. I do like having the DDD logs at the end.
I like the intro.
An ending indeed. I wonder what'll happen next chapter.

Finally all caught up. I do like having the DDD logs at the end.
I like the intro.
An ending indeed. I wonder what'll happen next chapter.
7/4/2015 c13 KumoFuzei
The story is progressing slowly as we find things out.
Some of the speech was overly lengthy and lacked believability again.
I like the difference between Veemon and Guilmon.
The story is progressing slowly as we find things out.
Some of the speech was overly lengthy and lacked believability again.
I like the difference between Veemon and Guilmon.
7/4/2015 c12 KumoFuzei
I love Guilmon in this and when he says he can fight, it's adorable.
Some of the speech again lacked believability.
I think it feels like the fight scene is dragging a bit now.
I love Guilmon in this and when he says he can fight, it's adorable.
Some of the speech again lacked believability.
I think it feels like the fight scene is dragging a bit now.
7/4/2015 c11 KumoFuzei
The tenses change around a bit.
I like how it isn't all down to one of the main characters to win the fight.
The fight scene is long but it doesn't feel urgent enough.
The tenses change around a bit.
I like how it isn't all down to one of the main characters to win the fight.
The fight scene is long but it doesn't feel urgent enough.