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for Just Words

9/26/2021 c13 30Natalie Rushman
It was fun to see Dis in a more political moment. It's a good look on her ;)

I'm glad everything worked out by the end!
9/13/2021 c12 Natalie Rushman
lol. Cute :) I'm glad they've sorted it out.
9/9/2021 c11 Natalie Rushman
Supportive Thorin is the best X]
9/2/2021 c10 Natalie Rushman
Lol! I like seeing Fili being a little pushy with him. Looks like he needs it X)
8/27/2021 c9 Natalie Rushman
It was really nice to see her so supportive. I liked the angle about her own fidelity. Making it about someone else was a good move.
8/21/2021 c8 Natalie Rushman
I'm so glad Kili finally talked to him! It's nice to see him getting some support. I hope they'll be able to work this out with Thorin!
8/12/2021 c7 Natalie Rushman
Well, I guess ten days is plenty of time for him to figure out how to admit to them WHY he's in this mess. Poor kid.
7/27/2021 c6 Natalie Rushman
I like the misunderstanding between the two of them. It adds a whole new level to their interaction. Nicely done!
7/22/2021 c5 Natalie Rushman
He's reckless, but I guess we knew that ;) I was hopeful that Fili would be able to help him. Now I hope that he'll LET Fili help him.
7/17/2021 c4 Natalie Rushman
I liked the story about how he was born! That was too sweet, how Fili took care of him.

Now he just needs Fili to come back and do it again.

I feel so bad for him right now ;(
7/15/2021 c3 Natalie Rushman
So mean! I feel so bad for Kili ;( poor kid.

On another note, I understand one of his problems. I get accused of flirting frequently and I can think of very, very few times where that was my intent. It's kind of an entertaining problem to have. And I can say from experience that - while the awkwardness of certain instances never really goes away - it does get to be more fun.

I really feel bad for Kili right now, though. What a day to not have his brother home.
7/8/2021 c2 Natalie Rushman
"What could possibly go wrong"? well, I was thinking nothing...but then you asked the question...

I'm excited to see where this goes. I like the setup so far :)
4/9/2019 c13 18Luinwen-2013
I really love Dís in her bear-mother mode!
4/9/2019 c11 Luinwen-2013
Those cruel snakes should have their fill under Thorin's wrath, if it were my way.
4/9/2019 c3 Luinwen-2013
Those foul lasses! I'd like to punch some reason into their thick heads!
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