Just In
for Sharon's Accident

4/22/2019 c5 Tina
Where have you gone! Please update soon.
12/6/2018 c5 Treena
Loved this story - what happened to the last 2 chapters that you mentioned?

Please update soon.
11/10/2018 c4 Erica2401
I red it again and it’s even better then the first time. God I so hope you still write and will be so kind to finish this fic... I love the mix of stories and the love there is between Sharon and Ann even after all the years. They deserve a happy ending and Rusty can use two parents :-). Thanks
5/28/2018 c5 Erica2401
Oh no, you leave us hanging? It's such a great great story. You have to make more, even after all this time please, Pritty please
3/28/2016 c5 Cheka
I absolutely love this story! You totally have to continue it! I'd love it if you would! Plz plz do!
3/28/2016 c5 Marissa V Gail
The reviewer Cheka was me sorry I forgot I was not logged in.
2/2/2016 c5 1Stayplease
I absolutely love this story. Can't wait for the next chapter
1/28/2016 c1 jaci
ei não demore pra atualizar to louca pra sabe o que vai acontece com sharon e ann
1/28/2016 c5 jaci
1/28/2016 c5 Guest
Love it! Thanks for writing this:) I'm feeling the emotions when they are!
1/28/2016 c5 12purplelogicwriter
I really am enjoying your story and I can't wait to see how you wrap it up since you said there are only a few chapters left. Looking forward to the update!
1/28/2016 c5 monkeytoez17
Somehow I lost this story until today. So glad you've continued writing it! I'm looking forward to your next few chapters!
9/2/2014 c2 Pam'sBitch
Love love loveee this story and this chapter of coarse so keep it coming...please :)
8/26/2014 c2 Guest
Great writing, great story. Please continue!
8/24/2014 c1 Guest
Love it. I hope you'll continue.
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