Just In
for Simple Complexity

9/30/2014 c12 9Bowling4real
I loved this chapter can't wait to read more... I love the relationship between Scorpious and Ruby
9/30/2014 c12 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
YES they finally kissed! So good! Please go on
9/30/2014 c12 10Apphia
yay the twins! can't wait for the time when the malfoys go to the burrow. that would be hilarious.
9/30/2014 c12 tiffany.radachy
Yay! I like Scorpius. But I hope this is a long story like your other one. I'll stick with you for years :)
9/30/2014 c12 2witchprincess33
YES! Finally! OMG I think I broke a glass cuz I squealed so loud! And OMG I love Hamish! He's hilarious! Can't wait for more my dear!
9/28/2014 c11 3LUG-14
Red is red and blue is blue, my dear. I know she needed to confront him, I just wish I could know what happened trough Eliza's point if view. Ron was the perfect way to go, definitely. Fred or Harry would have murdered him. I still want to see Henry being tortured, or in Askaban... Whichever is worse. Scorpius is adorable. But if they become a couple it might be troublesome. The press already called him "the other one" (my sister's sleep talking, she's SO adorable!) so if they get together they'd be confirming what the press retracted about... This'll be tricky... Surprise me, then. Did Petunia go see him? Oh! And I wanna get to know Anabell and Immy. Until next time, I love you and if there's still someone out there who doesnt -insert histerical laugh-.
9/28/2014 c11 tiffany.radachy
I'm glad Henry is gone! I can't wait to see him again :)
9/28/2014 c11 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
Very lovely! Wonder how the trip to the prison went to make her feel so good afterwards? Lovely scene with Scorp please go on
9/28/2014 c11 2witchprincess33
I was with Ruby there. Duck in cover. Wow. Glad to see that Eliza finally resolved everything! And really glad to see that Scorpius bought her a present! WHOO! Sad about Mr. L tho... Bet it was hard on Luna... Can't wait for more!
9/26/2014 c10 tiffany.radachy
Alright so this is my first post, and I love it! I'm very excited that we get to see all the characters from before! I love Scorpius! I'm shipping them already! I'm trying to come up with a combo name! Stupid boy deserves to be ridiculed in the paper! This is going to sound morbid, but I want Hagrid to die in your story. I feel like you would give him a great death! Granted, I don't want to see that happen yet...
9/24/2014 c10 3LUG-14
My blood's burning, we get rid of an asshole for a while just to bring another to the picture. Fred will say something along the lines 'why didn't you tell me?' And 'the hell you're going there alone!' Harry is definitely angry... He's about to enter his saviour mode and just make his way through. If he doesn't convince her to stay he'll go, and that could end up bad... And now that I come to think of it... I'd like that. Problem is, we don't want another episode like Dumbledore's father... Shame. Is Scorpius declaring his eternal love to her? (That sounded SO Disney, it gave me the creeps). I loved the confrontation, but he deserved a hex also. Stupid ass, I'd like to make him swallow broken glass... Let's see if he tips the papers again after that? Or if he survives... Whatever comes first... Anyway, I want to kill everyone today. So it's time for a little love... LOVE YAH!
9/24/2014 c10 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
Soooo good! Please keep on going on!
9/24/2014 c10 2witchprincess33
THAT SON OF A BITCH! Ugh sorry for the cursing but that HAD to come out! Thank you for not so much more of him! On another note! Kinda funny that Draco still calls Hermione Granger. Lol kinda scared to see what gonna happen with the whole Vernon situation. Scary Harry! Hey that rhymed! Lol well thanks again for another amazing chapter! Can't wait for more!
9/23/2014 c9 3LUG-14
That Henry guy's a lunatic! What's wrong with him?! And the paper, that's disastrous. Skeeter should be going through trial for defamation. 'Oh! She turned me down so I'll take my life and say she cheated on me with Malfoy' ok, but do it in that exact same order asshole! First suicide and after your dead regret you didn't do it the other way around! I HATE HIIIM! I love you,
P.S.: if you don't kill the guy, I will.
9/23/2014 c9 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
Omg this is craaaazy! Soo intense I can't wait for the next chapter! Keep it up!
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