Just In
for Desperate Times

5/26/2017 c1 TheCosplayNerd
Well hello there! Yes its me. As proof, I once asked you to remind me that my girlfriends was ravenclaw. I just wanted to say hi and that I'm not dead. I actually have a chance at getting my social media back, but I haven't gotten the courage yto ask yet. Anyway, tell the others I said hi, and also, you guys should talk more on the chat room. Its kinda sad. I miss you guys so much. Hopefully soon I'll be able to come back. - Mira
9/5/2016 c2 Bloodfist
1. 78' Camaro
2. Leroy
8/28/2016 c1 Not a Flower
Pretty cool
8/10/2016 c3 Guest
12/7/2014 c2 2Lightwood-Bane-Jung
PJO: n/a
KC: Leroy
11/13/2014 c2 wisegirl888
PJO: Camaro (its actually Smelly Gabe)
KC: Leroy
10/17/2014 c2 4IvyKirkland11
Camaro And Leroy
10/5/2014 c2 Guest
Carter calls the animal Leroy
10/1/2014 c2 Cloudsong of BranchClan
I can only answer the KC's Leroy!
9/26/2014 c2 4I sea fiera
PJOa camaro
9/24/2014 c2 5Apollo Holmes
Leroy for Kane Chronicles, and I don't remember for the Percy Jackson one. I won't look it up because I refuse to cheat. Oh, and good job!
9/20/2014 c2 TKCfanforlife
#1 i donno #2 leroy
9/16/2014 c2 Hailey Face
I didn't know at first but then boom awesomeness looking forward to the next chapter
9/15/2014 c2 40thepensword
PJO: A Camarro. A...60's Camarro?
KC: Leroy!

Ok, you're writing is very good! It actually sounds quite a bit like Rick Riordan's actual writing.
9/14/2014 c2 Jake
Pjo I think it was a camaro

Kc chicken man

Continue I like the story so far!
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