Just In
for My King can't be this Green

11/27/2019 c3 12Doom King of Latveria
What?! End?! Please tell me you keep continued on this story?! :O
8/13/2015 c3 7Taeniaea
cool story
12/14/2014 c3 1Rc1212
Okay, this is funny.

I look forward to seeing where this goes.
12/5/2014 c3 Telron
LOL interesting and poor gang
12/4/2014 c3 karthik9
It is excellent chapter.I look forward to future updates.
12/3/2014 c2 Strife666
i really love this sh*t!
12/3/2014 c1 Strife666
this story is a real riot!
12/3/2014 c3 coolguyanime1234
There were a few grammar problems but overall it is a good chapter can't wait to see what other chaotic thing Altria will do with her new powers.
10/25/2014 c2 RRolang
Your Mask fanfics are all fantastic, Hyper :D
10/12/2014 c1 FanFicReader712012
10/10/2014 c2 Server lock
This can be considered humorous, but I don't really think it fits the genre of the story. I don't know how to explain it in words.
10/7/2014 c2 karthik9
It is excellent chapter.I look forward to future updates.
10/7/2014 c2 coolguyanime1234
Yes another great, I do wish it a little bit longer but is still a great chapter can't wait for the next chapter.
10/7/2014 c2 Telron
LOL great story so far. Can't wait for the next chapter now
9/3/2014 c1 Billy Reb
Awesome. Keep it up.
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