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for Swords and Souls: The Game Most Divine!

12/27/2023 c2 45Hikari Nova
spelling/grammar needs some work so i would suggest trying to either get a beta to help with it or something like Grammarly
12/27/2023 c1 Hikari Nova
interesting, you're opening chapter is at a point after ichigo got the gamer ability and had tatsuki join his party
8/13/2021 c3 6brasheril-holmestalentsmaster
Bring this awesome story to AO3 ASAP!

We're already wasting enough time as it is, we need this quality there! Especially since you don't need to fill your Author's note with the answers to the reviews, you can simply answer them there on the chapter, given the better feedback system there.
12/20/2020 c3 wesleytebbens
Harem please
6/21/2019 c2 7era-romance
and...the curse of unnecessary OCs strikes again
5/23/2019 c1 Angelmv1999
Good read, I'm a person of few words (usually)
I noticed one glaring mistake in this chapter. You forgot to add his (Ichigo) Str, Int, Dex etc bonus from leveling. If I recall it was something like 5-10 per level, for each race he's a hybrid of.

Hope to see more, I bid you good day
7/16/2018 c1 Shuten
So you cant even calculate.
Because you wrote that ichigo gain 5 to almost every stat when he levels up so his status should be around 75 at level 15.
5/20/2018 c3 Guest
it's bin over 3 years! y won't u update?!
11/8/2017 c3 1EvenLoveLies
more plz
10/23/2017 c3 2RP741
Would you please continue?
7/6/2017 c3 reptoholic
HAHA, this is awesome! hope these girls will be added in a harem! GREAT JOB SO FAR
7/6/2017 c2 reptoholic
hel yeah!
7/6/2017 c1 reptoholic
While this looks interesting, I do hope he stays AHEAD of her in levels and power, while I can see her getting strong, his growth rate was exceptionally large and it would be weird if she got all of his gifts(his blood ones)
6/27/2017 c3 2Nihatclodra
Are you actually gonna continue updating this?
6/27/2017 c2 Nihatclodra
Your math is a bit off in places...
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