Just In
for Together Again

11/1/2017 c3 Casperace13
Lol! Poor Pema. I loved Toph's comment about Katara's "nice old grandma routine. "
3/21/2017 c3 Guest
hahahahahahaha this is soooo wonderful and HILARIOUS! hahahahahahahahaha WWWWOOOAAAAWWWW
11/16/2016 c3 3OTrizy
The last paragraph was so funny and heartwarming scene
9/16/2014 c3 33avatarfanlin
naw. i loved this. i literally laughed out loud. i hope you continue this
9/16/2014 c3 untamableshipper
Please, please, please let Toph drive Pema nuts! Or let Bolin fan girl over Toph! This fic is awesome!
9/5/2014 c2 Guest
Whoa, I love this story! Will Toph meet Korra? :)
9/5/2014 c2 31MarblesG
Nice job (: we need some more reunion fics up in here!
9/3/2014 c1 Anonnim
Great and touching story, please continue!
9/2/2014 c1 6ATLAlover3
Awesome... The story really focuses in each character way of being and Su visiting Lin to apologize was too cute, also Toph apearence was sweet, you have a great story in your hands...
9/2/2014 c1 33avatarfanlin
this was sweet.

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