1/13/2018 c5 Guest
More voltage vampire
More voltage vampire
12/16/2017 c1 Face Yourself
I feel like this (very silly) story premise *could* be good... if you didn't pick the most overused, overrated, overhyped, utterly lame and annoying types of pokemon to do it with.
I feel like this (very silly) story premise *could* be good... if you didn't pick the most overused, overrated, overhyped, utterly lame and annoying types of pokemon to do it with.
8/2/2015 c5 Guest
please update
please update
7/14/2015 c1 trninjakiller
OK I'm done. Firstly. You have no care for any alteration to the storyline based on who your character is. Secondly, a pikachu? That is seriously the least impressive thing ecer. It is also extremely cliche.
OK I'm done. Firstly. You have no care for any alteration to the storyline based on who your character is. Secondly, a pikachu? That is seriously the least impressive thing ecer. It is also extremely cliche.
7/12/2015 c5 george
Please continue writing this story.
Please continue writing this story.
7/4/2015 c3 george
Please continue wrting this story it's really good.
Please continue wrting this story it's really good.
4/29/2015 c5 Guest
Not bad. And the English is quite good too. Please update, if you don't mind.
Not bad. And the English is quite good too. Please update, if you don't mind.
4/18/2015 c5
18Phoenix Champion
If people keep underestimating Denatsu for his size I can't wait to see what happens when they see Mew... or Celebi... or any of the small Legendarys
Wait... *reads back to beginning* Nekonome used slash... Is it a reference... or is she also a pokemon.

If people keep underestimating Denatsu for his size I can't wait to see what happens when they see Mew... or Celebi... or any of the small Legendarys
Wait... *reads back to beginning* Nekonome used slash... Is it a reference... or is she also a pokemon.
12/25/2014 c1 Guest
Please include Ash's Charizard nobody ever uses him.
Please include Ash's Charizard nobody ever uses him.
12/21/2014 c1 eggers
Update and please give pikachu the move bolt strike and let him evolve he will become bad ass if he evolves
Update and please give pikachu the move bolt strike and let him evolve he will become bad ass if he evolves
10/31/2014 c2 PKMN Trainer Cobalt
Lol this story make me laugh a lot the "FALCON PUNCH" part was funny to read
Lol this story make me laugh a lot the "FALCON PUNCH" part was funny to read