Just In
for Voltage Vampire

1/13/2018 c5 Guest
More voltage vampire
12/16/2017 c1 Face Yourself
I feel like this (very silly) story premise *could* be good... if you didn't pick the most overused, overrated, overhyped, utterly lame and annoying types of pokemon to do it with.
11/22/2016 c5 MechaSniper51
8/2/2015 c5 Guest
please update
7/14/2015 c1 trninjakiller
OK I'm done. Firstly. You have no care for any alteration to the storyline based on who your character is. Secondly, a pikachu? That is seriously the least impressive thing ecer. It is also extremely cliche.
7/12/2015 c5 george
Please continue writing this story.
7/4/2015 c3 george
Please continue wrting this story it's really good.
4/29/2015 c5 Guest
Not bad. And the English is quite good too. Please update, if you don't mind.
4/18/2015 c5 18Phoenix Champion
If people keep underestimating Denatsu for his size I can't wait to see what happens when they see Mew... or Celebi... or any of the small Legendarys

Wait... *reads back to beginning* Nekonome used slash... Is it a reference... or is she also a pokemon.
4/14/2015 c5 5TwinkieMain
Hot Damn! It's about time that you updated! :)
12/25/2014 c1 Guest
Please include Ash's Charizard nobody ever uses him.
12/21/2014 c1 eggers
Update and please give pikachu the move bolt strike and let him evolve he will become bad ass if he evolves
10/31/2014 c2 PKMN Trainer Cobalt
Lol this story make me laugh a lot the "FALCON PUNCH" part was funny to read
10/30/2014 c2 3LeakproofHail7
I knew it! Denatsu is Ash's Pikachu!
10/30/2014 c2 6bryan.nguyen911
I like your Idea, try adding in more pokemon characters
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