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for Laconic

10/24/2024 c14 Guest
I really hope this continues

It’s great
10/14/2024 c1 smexy-soundwave
Hi again! Just wanted to pop in and say awesome work with the redone initial chapters! Your writing has always been good but the edits have really added to Darkstrikes character! Her background has fleshed out and the chapters are more detailedThank you for your hard work and I hope you update soon! :D
3/19/2024 c14 Guest
Hope you update :D
12/3/2023 c14 smexy-soundwave
Hi! Great job on ch 14, i reread it a bunch of times and just realized i never left a review D’: i really liked the flashback and how we got a small glimpse into his past, it gave good insight as for his hate for the owner and insecticons! I was dying with the “hope youve made your peace with the world mr piston” lol
I also love how soundwave is slowly realizing that he’s absolutely catching feelings even though feelings should be “beneath” him lol the ending was great as well and the “irrelevant” gave me total butterflies haha
Awesome chapter and hope u post soon!
10/13/2023 c14 Guest
How’s it going?
5/15/2023 c14 Digital hell 12
Another excellent chapter as always, well worth the wait thank you for writing
5/15/2023 c14 Guest
Good chapter
5/15/2023 c14 Guest
Sorry for being late

Great chapter
4/26/2023 c13 Guest
Are you ok?
1/11/2023 c13 Guest
Cool fic
Hope you update soon
12/15/2022 c7 Guest
It’s weird seeing soundwave act like this with megatron since soundwave is so loyal to him lol
12/14/2022 c13 Guest
Will soundwave other minicons make an appearance?
12/10/2022 c13 smexy-soundwave
Soundwave finally got laid lol
Loved the small battle scene and how you conveyed Darkstrike's fear of being stuck in an eternal routine of waking up, training, going back to recharge. She has a very real personality and has many flaws, which makes her a fairly relatable character! It was interesting to see Soundwave "recruit" Darkstrike to his side and let her know of his future plans, the pulling her toward him had me giggling and swinging my feet haha they make me giddy lol
I am curious to see how Soundwave and Darkstrike will eventually join Megatron as they are very anti his way of executing things and can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
I hope you can update us soon and that you are doing well!
11/11/2022 c13 Featherboi
I absolutely love what youve got so far! When will the next update be?
10/9/2022 c13 BasicWhiteDude
I really like starting pre-war, and proceeding through the war to earth. This has done the interactions between characters amazingly; I enjoy this immensely, and look forward to the next update.

I do, however, worry that the two’s relationship seems a little toxic; relationships should always strive to be equal, give and take. And they should definitely clearly state their feelings.
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