7/5/2015 c25
18The AnimatedGamer
The Rating Game between friends and rivals Rias and Sona has just escalated to a rematch for friends and rivals Goten and Trunks. Will Goten be able to even up the score, or will Trunks pull ahead? Find out, next time on Dragon Ball DxD! PS, Rias and Akeno are about two levels away from making Goten unable to ride Nimbus

The Rating Game between friends and rivals Rias and Sona has just escalated to a rematch for friends and rivals Goten and Trunks. Will Goten be able to even up the score, or will Trunks pull ahead? Find out, next time on Dragon Ball DxD! PS, Rias and Akeno are about two levels away from making Goten unable to ride Nimbus
7/5/2015 c25 Temsen
Aw man, that's cruel, you can't tease us with that fight and then leave us hanging while you work on your other story. :(
Aw man, that's cruel, you can't tease us with that fight and then leave us hanging while you work on your other story. :(
6/20/2015 c24 Miraculous Psychic Hero 100
I can't wait for the next chapter. I love how you made sure to get every character's personality spot on.
I can't wait for the next chapter. I love how you made sure to get every character's personality spot on.
6/14/2015 c23 MadGod666
You have done a good job on Goten personality so far. Love it! it will be great if Sona become one of Goten official harem member. Most the time the author on fanfic rarely use her in pairing.
A message to DBZ fan, the trailer for dragon ball super has been out. Check it out on youtube or the link below
Awesome display of Beerus, Goku, and Vegeta power
You have done a good job on Goten personality so far. Love it! it will be great if Sona become one of Goten official harem member. Most the time the author on fanfic rarely use her in pairing.
A message to DBZ fan, the trailer for dragon ball super has been out. Check it out on youtube or the link below
Awesome display of Beerus, Goku, and Vegeta power
6/14/2015 c22 MadGod666
Sorry not commenting for a while. Just to remind you that Earth Shenron can only grant two wishes. The one from Namek (Porunga) is the one that can grant 3 wishes. Please add Rossweisse to the harem.
Sorry not commenting for a while. Just to remind you that Earth Shenron can only grant two wishes. The one from Namek (Porunga) is the one that can grant 3 wishes. Please add Rossweisse to the harem.
6/8/2015 c24 The Man
The cluelessness of Goten knows no bounds!
The cluelessness of Goten knows no bounds!
6/7/2015 c24 El guerrero Goku
Your chapters are great as always, note that you have talent for writing,, I now see as goten fight Loki and the only question I have would be if it appears Rossweisse and if goten be lover.
Your chapters are great as always, note that you have talent for writing,, I now see as goten fight Loki and the only question I have would be if it appears Rossweisse and if goten be lover.
6/6/2015 c24
Hi, the name's Chr1sXIII, love your story. I can't wait to see the next chapter when Goten teaches everyone about ki. Any chance you could, uh, put in Lord Beerus or Whis in any future chapters?

Hi, the name's Chr1sXIII, love your story. I can't wait to see the next chapter when Goten teaches everyone about ki. Any chance you could, uh, put in Lord Beerus or Whis in any future chapters?
6/6/2015 c24 Guest
Mdhunter here. Awesome story so far! Great job! Please continue, and soon! Really looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks!
Mdhunter here. Awesome story so far! Great job! Please continue, and soon! Really looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks!
6/6/2015 c24
18The AnimatedGamer
Ya know, up until Vali showed up, I forgot that Issei hasn't reached Balance Breaker yet. I take it he won't get to do anything major, at least until that Astaroth bastard shows up. Still loved the battle. I was half expecting Goten to call his own Nimbus and pop the Power Pole out of a capsule or something when he fought Bikou. Not gonna lie, hope we see more of Kuroka cause if Akeno doesn't make Goten snap, she definitely will.

Ya know, up until Vali showed up, I forgot that Issei hasn't reached Balance Breaker yet. I take it he won't get to do anything major, at least until that Astaroth bastard shows up. Still loved the battle. I was half expecting Goten to call his own Nimbus and pop the Power Pole out of a capsule or something when he fought Bikou. Not gonna lie, hope we see more of Kuroka cause if Akeno doesn't make Goten snap, she definitely will.