Just In
for Ghosts of the Past

1/29/2016 c3 3JunWu
wow a very dark naruto o.o what ever Verrocchio did to Naruto must be major
1/26/2016 c1 Guest
Well it looks like the naruto x black lagoon crossover type is dead based on how many stories are releasing.. :(
1/25/2016 c7 Guest
it's amazing
1/15/2016 c7 1atchoum35
Good story. Thanks and congratulations
1/6/2016 c7 Guest
This is dumb How did Naruto got captured in that flashback.

Don't ruin plot for bad Drama

How did his wife died?how did let his daughter get kidnapped.
1/6/2016 c6 Guest
Why are Nerfing Naruto.

Are you aware how fast he is?
1/6/2016 c3 Guest
The story make no sense. The plot is a bit forced.

How did Naruto and up here. You need to be be more clear.

In my opinion you need rewrite this story and don't let it be forced
1/5/2016 c7 4Mythfan
11/22/2015 c7 Lord Asmodeus
If the daughter is dead, Naruto would be much happier, if she is a broken remnant, far worse than Hansel and Gretel, then it can be expected that his anguish would make Heaven itself weep.
11/15/2015 c1 Farous Izwan
I love you
10/27/2015 c7 Fury074
New daughters? Hansel is a boy, when he's not pretending to be his sister.
10/26/2015 c7 ahsanrox
good chapter,
10/26/2015 c7 17Arawn D. Draven
Wow, this is an excellent story. I didn't think someone would manage to make a good blend of Black Lagoon and Naruto, but you did it quite well. Now, of course, I have a question: it seems Naruto does have his Ninja skills, so I have trouble understanding how simple Mafiosi would be able to get the upper hand on him. Could you please explain in one of the next chapters how that did happen? Thanks, and keep up the good work!
10/26/2015 c7 shadow
Loved it, though wish the updates were more frequent. Also hope his daughter is alive and ok, looking forward to seeing how this plays out!
10/26/2015 c7 Guest
A very very good update
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