Just In
for You're Like Lightning

10/10/2021 c1 Reader011118
That was uber cute and fun to read!
3/20/2017 c1 Guest
I like the beginning with the flashbacks you inserted between paragraphs.
12/11/2016 c1 6nannulainen
Oh shit. This was so good 3
9/3/2016 c1 1Kuroo187
Lol Kageyama just mentaly bitch-slappped Tsukki OMG! this fanfic is really cute and I had to think of Prince of Tennis because of the name "Royal Couple" but it really fits Kageyama and Hinata too.
Really cute and funny, I like it -
11/11/2015 c1 6Ms. Smiley Kills Your Dreams
Once again, a lovely story! My, my, I cannot wait to read more of your stuff (as long as I know what fandom) and enjoy the same descriptive, feely-touchy writing you create that makes joy flood a reader's vains.
Once again, again, continue writing and keep up the fascinating work!
8/10/2015 c1 3Satan'sLittleSiren
3 3
I HONESTLY THOUGHT I HAD READ ALL THE decent KageHina fics so I wasn't expecting much. But this is brilliant and fluffy and SWQUUUUUEEEEEEEE
11/30/2014 c1 pinky chan
Me like it!. That is so sweet. seriously! im totally shipping the kagehina pairing. they are perfect. sun and shadow, light and dark... and they practically radiating the gayness even in anime and manga. more of these fiction please...
10/29/2014 c1 2Gwen1Stacy
Hoooooo! I love it I love it I love it!
So much fluff and the hell it all was a lot like the anime itself! I could imagine their faces, alll their cuteness... hahahahaha, and the omake, dear volley-lord! Thank you so much
9/7/2014 c1 35Lesbae
this is the cutest thing i ever read
I don't speak english but I'm trying ;A;
I read this without interest but 33333 THIS IS PERFECT.
I love your little story.
¡Keep writing!
9/5/2014 c1 2Psycho Nocturnal
The omake is epic and hilarious
Badass!Kageyama? Definitely! XD
This is such a nice and cute story, you pictured them so perfectly and cute :3
Anyway, thanks for the great story! :D

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