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for Anybody lose a deadman?

7/7/2015 c14 12JensenDaniels32
Alright, alright. You've won me over.
7/7/2015 c13 JensenDaniels32
YES! Now THIS seems more along the lines of Ichigo's actual reaction to a situation such as last chapter. Not gonna lie, though, I still think that Ichigo would've lost it and let Hichigo run rampant.
7/7/2015 c12 JensenDaniels32
UH...HE WOULD HAVE GONE FULL HOLLOW AFTER SEEING THAT! Geez, work on your writing, man!
7/7/2015 c11 JensenDaniels32
YOU FUCKING SUCK! Ichigo should've saved her ass.
7/7/2015 c10 JensenDaniels32
Shirosaki has Sonido, though... -_-,
4/21/2015 c8 6ChaosHorizon
this is confusing. too many jumps
3/19/2015 c5 93BloodyDemon666
Well, this one has potential and I hope to read on. As soon as I'm done, I'll read the sequel!
3/15/2015 c3 BloodyDemon666
Whoa! That was really cool, I really enjoyed this story and I will need some more time to read...but all in all, I really enjoy this and I hope you can do good in your sequel!
3/6/2015 c2 BloodyDemon666
This is really good, even about the part where Shiro says that the floor "Bit her." LOL, anyway, I also noticed that you made a sequel. Anyway best wishes from one writer to another. Keep up the good work.
3/2/2015 c18 19HinataSoup
I love your story and eager to read more
3/2/2015 c17 Nano4Life
I think aizen x shiro make a good couple they both are MAD and ichigo has many who care about him not like aizen
3/2/2015 c17 DxDLover
Love this story more Aizen x Shiro
3/2/2015 c17 iLoveAnime013
Aizen x Shiro!
2/27/2015 c16 HinataSoup
2/25/2015 c15 HinataSoup
I partly think Shiro has many admirers (Love interests)
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