Just In
for Detective Theo

6/26/2020 c1 4SophisticatedSage
Detective Theo should get trademarked XD
2/18/2017 c1 Zharya Hghar
Damn, this is concise and to the point!
9/6/2015 c1 characetsworld6891
7/21/2015 c1 5CasaCan
Detective Theo making all our ships come true ;)
9/27/2014 c1 36listeninggame
You literally named almost ALL of my ships. Blaise and Ginny is also a ship of mine. Not as much as Hinny, but I respect a good match when I see one.
9/24/2014 c1 aeireis
Good story! I enjoyed reading it! :D
9/13/2014 c1 37Paradox.bookjunkie
he he. That made me chuckle.
I like the way you told the story, and the way you used the prompt. Just watch your characterization and SpG. Well done!
9/13/2014 c1 Guest
Nice, Liked it.

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