Just In
for A Dauntless leader in search of love

10/16/2023 c27 Guest
you put that she told you to divide the movies are you in here to like are you the one telling the story. I mean obviously you are so yeah sorry just had to point that out..
10/16/2023 c27 Guest
you put that she told you to divide the movies are you in here to like are you the one telling the story. I mean obviously you are so yeah sorry just had to point that out..
7/14/2022 c50 Kggla
I would love to have you finish this story and look forward to reading anything new also!
1/30/2022 c1 virginie.pistagnesi.902
update please
7/7/2021 c4 3Bronkwin2
I wish there were Edward/Tris stories. You've made me fall in love with a pairing that I have never heard of or thought of.
1/5/2021 c50 livingdeadchic1105
So glad you are back! I love this story, I would like to see more on it, maybe until finished. But I'm also interested in whatever stories you have brewing!
11/27/2020 c19 31momma2fan
Okay, I am just gonna put this here...I am enjoying this story, but if Eric cheats on her with anyone or tries to share her with anyone, I'm out.
9/28/2020 c50 Amphora7cipher
Enjoying your writing and can’t wait for updates
8/1/2020 c50 28xoanneox
Please go with what makes you the most happy!
7/22/2020 c50 Guest
Plz finish this story! I love it sm! Amazing writing hope finish it
7/13/2020 c50 1loventherussian17
hope that you update soon
6/20/2020 c50 Guest
New story that's updated every week, and this story being updated every month! Can't wait to read more Eris stories!
6/4/2020 c50 Guest
Keep writing!
6/4/2020 c42 Ariiiii
AWW, so sorry about your cat
6/5/2020 c50 Caliboo
please update this story
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