Just In
for A Shinobi of Middle-Earth

5/20 c2 2WangLin0976
Kinda lame he just got on a ship and left
3/7 c8 trninjakiller
This story got boring fast.
11/11/2023 c6 Icha Icha Ichiraku
I am hesitant to continue the story following this chapter.

The premise of this story is quite fun. I enjoy the injection of Sasuke into the fellowship, as well as the little back story you have crafted for him. The overall experience as reader up to this point has been very enjoyable, with the blending of the two worlds being generally well put together making a believable transition into the actual plot.

Moria felt like a proving ground for the story to be honest. It’s the first moment we see all the main elements truly come together after having a chance to settle into their roles somewhat. But it comes out weak and remarkably close to a canon rewrite despite sasuke bringing a lot to the table in terms of combat power. Setting aside the Balrog, his battle performance is overall lackluster and his abilities feel heavily underutilized to be honest.

Case in point is Gandalf falling and the whole “grab my hand” thing… sasuke can literally walk on walls. He could have easily just snagged Gandalf up…
7/27/2023 c3 Tinker Alias
My guy is sounding more and more like shun kaido with all this talk about a bandaged arm holding secret power
7/27/2023 c2 Tinker Alias
7/27/2023 c1 Tinker Alias
So far disliking how both speech and thoughts use
6/11/2023 c31 Romulian
what. the. literal. f... sakura cucks naruto with sasuke... while sakura and naruto are engaged... fuck this
5/12/2023 c34 5midnightblue123
This was a wonderfully crafted story without the usual cliches. Thank you for completing it, I especially enjoyed the epilogue :)
4/2/2023 c1 6Mando-Vet
Nice twist, I did not expect it to be him.
2/3/2023 c32 yourself8548
This story is awesome up until chapter 31, afterwards it just feels disgusting to me cucking Naruto out of nowhere just feel so wrong especially with a decade of time between all of team 7 interacting.
12/25/2022 c34 Paul Lenzen
This was awesome
12/3/2022 c8 hallaba
This has been almost line for line with the movies and now you throw in an apprentice out of no where?
7/31/2022 c3 Tinker Alias
Oh god the Chuuni feels I get from sasuke is too much.
12/11/2021 c1 I-Nex-I
Even without Six Paths chakra he shouldn’t have any problem with the Ringwraiths. He’s still at least lightning timing before Madara killed him. Obviously the Valar would stomp him, probably even with Six Paths chakra and the Rinnegan, and it’s debatable if the Maiar would be able to beat him.
9/7/2021 c14 Guest
Your worst break with reality yet... Grima should have been held and executed for his crimes. The only thing wrong with what Theoden tried, was the lack of due process. Grima has the blood of countless families on his hands. This is not even close to how any ninja handles his kind...
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