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for Reasons why I ship Dramione

10/1/2017 c1 Guest
Funny you should mention Vegeta/Bulma as a similar pairing.. I do agree actually... but would you think it weird that I hate Dramione but totally ship Vegebul?
10/11/2016 c1 11The Dawn Knight
Honestly, Draco and Hermione feel a lot like James and Lily to me. I think after getting married Draco probably would have softened up and become a better person.

I see how they could work, but I'll admit. I'm glad they didn't. While I don't think they would be a bad pairing, I just happen to like Ron and Hermione as a couple.
10/8/2015 c1 7victory.x
I completely agree. Dramione is a much more interesting pairing than something like Romione or Harmony. Best friends shouldn't be paired together. What if they broke up? They'd never get that friendship back.
8/17/2015 c1 5FightingDreamer1310
glad to stumble upon this fic. Feels great to have someone share the same view on the DRAMIONE pairing. JK ROWLING is such a heartbreaker.
7/2/2015 c1 55Wintry Leen
[Not really a review]

Just wanna say that I love Dramione, too, although I also like Romione. But thank you for this well-crafted essay/analysis of why Dramione makes a lot of sense. :)

And yes, I'm not a fan of Harry/Ginny. I'll get flames for this but I feel like that pairing was forced.

I also noticed that there was someone saying you shouldn't have posted this here. I think you're allowed to post it here but perhaps under a different category? Or it could've gone without a category. But anyway, thank you for this! :)
10/4/2014 c1 10ghostkerchief09
I just cant help but agree with this post... I mean, there has to be something there otherwise the fans wouldn't really bother with non-canon pairings such as this... be it a simple spark or a full blown flirting and teasing that was stumped to make way for the canon pairs. But then, that's where the fandom comes in right? yeah. :D
9/18/2014 c1 Erin Blake
Um you do realise this section is for people to post fanfiction?
I feel this should be posted on a blog somewhere.
9/18/2014 c1 lillalil
She said that?! I think I heard an interview where she concidered Harry and Fred and Hermione. Who knows?
Personally- I like Ron but I find that he would be happier with Lavender in the long run.I really like Luna ,Hermione and Ginny..My favorite is Hermione
Hermione and Draco? I see a lot of hexing and eventhough they could like each other, because I see it too, then they had been fighting so much, it would be difficult to trust the other...! But I would be happy to try a story from you.
9/18/2014 c1 2Rosie Summer
Thank you for the essay and I do agree J.K did a silly thing pairing Ron and Hermione. She said she regrets pairing them and thinks they would be in marriage counselling. The only reason she paired them was because she thought the fans would want the pairing instead it backfired and she regrets it.

Just like when she let slip Dumbledore is homosexual during a Q and A at a university, I read she also regrets not putting in Dumbledore's sexuality but could see it causing outcry with some fans. So if you correct that Dumbledore is homosexual to a FF author who is writing Dumbledore being in love with a female or being a character being a grand child/ or child of Dumbledore some will say. "Well it was not in the books or movies so it is my story. Your correction is invalid."

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